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Help In A Sticky Situation Lads?

Nuke Bowel

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Right, when i'm not in college and training to do mechanics, for a few hours a week i work in the local supermarket.

Basicly, say we have a delievery of fags and we have a multi pack of l+b and someone opens it, it goes to waste, they put them in a box and at the end of the month they throw them cause they can't sell it being part of a multi pack.

I asked a supervisor a while back as to where they go, and he told me the bin. Well.. I hinted to him can't i take them on the sly, he said yerr but to be careful i don't get caught.

Today, I got searched, they found a couple of packs in my locker.

I have to go and see the manager this week. I'm suspended atm, what do I say?

they have asked for receipts, but obviously i have none.

Looking back, it wasn't the most wise thing. But I knew they were going to waste anyways so i didn't feel to bad.

Help guys.

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erm.... the whole point was dont get caught, and you got caught

not much you can say, but plenty not to say

dont say your supervisor said it was ok, dont try and get out of it.

if you dont want to say you took them out of the waste box.

you took them out of the bin, when you were sticking the box in the bin, you took them, as they wer in/you were putting them in the bin.

otherwise just take the hit, and realise youve been a dick, and its only a shitty small supermarket job you lost.

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You throw split multipacks away? Jeesus, we send them back and get the money back on them!

Say you have had the for ages in there, Thats what I did when my shop thought I was stealing water (I wasn't, just had a multipack in there for ages and hadn't got the receipt anymore)

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well i got searched by another supervisor, i'm pretty good friends with him.

He just told me he has to put it infront of the boss and it's his dicision, i just told him i bought them else where and kept them in my locker knowing i'd smoke them..

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I think the main reason you can't take 'waste' products, like out of date stuff and opened stuff is becuase staff would then 'accidentally' open stuff and not stock rotate to get free things.

What you've done really is theft. I'd just say "I just saw them going to waste so i just took them, at the time i didn't think it was a big deal becuase they were going to be thrown out anyway but now i understand what i've done and it wont happen again" befor your manager gets a word in edgeways.


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well i got searched by another supervisor, i'm pretty good friends with him.

He just told me he has to put it infront of the boss and it's his dicision, i just told him i bought them else where and kept them in my locker knowing i'd smoke them..

well if thats what you said, stick to your guns, changing your story, will just make it look worse.

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You got clocked lets face it, well and truley red handed

Dont ditch your supervisor it in it... he said dont get caught.... you did... so its all your fault

Go to the meeting like a man, don't mention your discussion with the supervisor, explain what you did was wrong and maybe why you did it, no waste etc. but in cases like this you have to put your hands up and take it like a man. Either they will keep you on knowing your honest, or fire you. Dont try and say you brought them elsewhere blah blah blah. As much as you think managers of supermarkets are stupid there not THAT stupid. And i dont know where you work, but if they searched your locker they must have been right onto you. If your going to be a willy enough to steal, then dont get caught

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well if thats what you said, stick to your guns, changing your story, will just make it look worse.

Yup I definitely agree.

Stick by your story whatever happens. If you change your story in ANY way they'll think you're lying and blame you for all the thefts in the store. Stick by what you said, unless they have proof you're lying and have intently stole them (video or such, which is very unlikely) then they'll give you a warning, explain you shouldn't keep that much shit in your locker again due to this reason, and then you're back to work.

Whatever you do. Don't change your story!

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You got clocked lets face it, well and truley red handed

Dont ditch your supervisor it in it... he said dont get caught.... you did... so its all your fault

Go to the meeting like a man, don't mention your discussion with the supervisor, explain what you did was wrong and maybe why you did it, no waste etc. but in cases like this you have to put your hands up and take it like a man. Either they will keep you on knowing your honest, or fire you. Dont try and say you brought them elsewhere blah blah blah. As much as you think managers of supermarkets are stupid there not THAT stupid. And i dont know where you work, but if they searched your locker they must have been right onto you. If your going to be a willy enough to steal, then dont get caught

first things first, nahh i won't drop him in. No way.

secondly, fair point, i know they're not stupid. They searched everyone today...

Since when do you get multi packs of 50g golden virginia... which wouldn't be opened and sold individually?

you know they come in a plastic bag?

that was split.

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I would just say that i already bought them, they cant prove that you did or did not take them, its a bit like if you went and bought various other items from within the shop, such as ipods, dvd's etc and had them with you, just say that you got them ages ago, otherwise they would get you for bringing anything into the store that also they just happened to sell. (unless of course you got a shitload)

Edited by Bondy
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Ah gotcha. I thought you were talking about the packs of 5 wrapped in paper.

I guess the only way you might have a slight chance of keeping your job would be to own up, offer to pay for what they found and apologise.

true, I can take two options, do i lie and say i bought it else where and left it in my locker to save keeping on buying it and bringing it into the store.

Or do I take your idea tom and openly admit i did wrong and pay?

But then, if i do that. I have admited i steal and surely it's more likely he'll sack me...


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we are talking 4 packets of fags and 50g of gv..

The other thing i thought of, was if someone on here smoked could send me some receipts?

Thats 2 much baccy to convince anyone that you didnt steal it..... its one thing not beliving you, but another thing proving that you did steal it. Depends if your on a probationy period or what not also though

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When i worked for Sainsburys. I was workign shift one night. Come to the store for work at half 4. Saw all the lights were off and the doors were shut, so went in back entrance, a lad told me, danny there giving sandshwhiches away to staff because we've had a powercut and the sandwhiches have been out the fridge than more than 30 mins, so i was eating and sandwhich is the bailier room (big thing that crushes cardboard)m not hiding or owt, casually standing there in front of loads of people eating this sandwhich, store manager walks in and tells me to go upstairs, week later im in a full disciplinary and suspended for a week on full pay.

Depending on the company, thats the action they should take. BUT, they couldn't class mine as theft seeing as the items were due for disposal...Regardless, in the colleuge handbook it does state "Items that are due for diposal are not to be consumed by staff or anyone else".

Best of luck man.

EDIT: This was on probationary period.

Edited by Danny Kearns
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Depending on the company, thats the action they should take. BUT, they couldn't class mine as theft seeing as the items were due for disposal...Regardless, in the colleuge handbook it does state "Items that are due for diposal are not to be consumed by staff or anyone else".

That's just standard procedure though, some h&s bullshit. If there's a reason they're throwing it away, then theres most likely a reason why it can't be consumed/taken. It's probably different from employer to employer and how well they practice it. When I worked in B&M Bargains we took pretty much anything that was obviously damaged with our supervisors permission, one of them didn't let us do it. That's just the way it is.

At least your supervisor was being sound and gave you permission to do in the first place (both of you knowing you're not allowed to). So weather you ditch him in it or not is up to you. What's the worst that could happen? Get fired? It's only retail, not going to get you anywhere..

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