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Ethernet Port Problems


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Hay all,

Recently got the house wired for networking instead of wireless (for speeds). I have one majour issue, I cant get the motherboard built in ethernet port to pick up the network let alone recognise it.

Not a clue where to turn and google dosnt help. Any ideas?



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Is there a 'Local Area Network 1' (or similar) icon in network properties that corresponds with the ethernet port? If not, the motherboard port might need enabling in the bios. When you restart the computer, press the button (usually delete) to enter setup and try and find an option for 'onboard LAN' or similar. Then save and restart, and Windows should find it.

If you HAVE got an icon, is it enabled? Does it have an IP address (highlight the 'Local Area Network 1' icon and click the info thing at the bottom left of the window).

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The line defo works, as I'm using it for my laptop now. And it should be in the bios but I'll give it a gander, I googled it more thoroughly and it seems to be a common problem on my mb, not even what appear to be the network speciallists at OverClockers seem to be able to fix it.

Cheers anyway! Will give the BIOS thing ago now tomm (Y)

EDIT: As a quick update, I changed the LAN settings in the BIOS, so everything was on, and that it was all auto (this set up works on my laptop) and it didnt work. To awnser another question, there are two lights on the back, both lit, but both are orange, on the laptop theres two lights, but just one lit, and its green :S

Edited by Willy
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