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Yes Its....

Karl Butcher

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No, not really. But to reitterate my point......it is my opinion however unconstructive. The kid needs to lighten up.

HAHA your point was a joke like I said its his bike so he can put what he wants on it.

And the bit where you said (he just shouldn't!!) in my point do you ride it let me think NO till you been on it (like you will) then you shut the f**k up.

WOW you got the same bike's aswell big deal he my mate paul want to do that then he can GET IT.

Edited by cheesy
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god, everyone gets so god damn teasy if their, or their mates bikes get "dissed"

Anyway...quality build apart from the chrome stickers and gold bits..... mr muscle furniture polish for the stickers....mr muscle oven cleaner for the anodising

god i sound like a mr muscle sales rep :P

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Now all we need is Danny Kearns and Joe Maher to start an argument in here and we're away...

P.S. Is it you guys' times of the month or something?

Personally I agree that the bike looks a bit of a mess- too many random colours and just too 'busy' in my opinion and those Giant stickers are a big no no in my opinion.

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  • 5 months later...
Thats a f**king disgrace!! Giant stickers? Why? Should be proud he has an Inspired. That bike is awful - it looks terrible. Sort it out.


Well its HIS bike not YOURS so he can do what he F***KING want ALRIGHT!.

the f**k....

Shut the f**k up! Its a public forum - built on the opinions of its members. You put the images up for criticism both positive and negative, so don't moan if not everyone loves it. The fact it looks awful wins the bike negative attention so deal with it - no one is saying he CAN'T do it - he just shouldn't!!


I actually kind of like it. Reminds me of the old school Brisa's :)


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