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Vee's To Hydraulic


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You will definitely need a booster with it otherwise its just going to be flexomatic :D

Also better if you bolt them up solid rather than using the quick release; not sure on the newer evo mounts but on the original 2 bolt system the quick release was crap and never held tight :(

If youre capable with a drill and marking out might be worth buying a v brake booster and drilling the extra bolt holes in for the top magura mounts - sort of making a 4bolt booster for a 2 bolt evo mount :)

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I remember when i used to run magura's with evo mounts i had some metal bits that sat against the frame/fork instead of the usual very soft and spongy plastic lugs. Also a good quality brake booster should do the job.

So long as they are set up correctly ( i mean pads square and bleed well etc) they should feel fine, people always used to comment on how good my brakes felt and i used evo mounts for a long time.

But i will conceed that dedicated four bolt mounts are a much better way of mounting magura's.

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I remember when i used to run magura's with evo mounts i had some metal bits that sat against the frame/fork instead of the usual very soft and spongy plastic lugs.

The original 2bolt mounts had the aluminium arm and the adjustable taper so that you could line it up perfectly, the later evo mounts had the plastic lugs with the serrated teeth cut so it was easier to set both sides the same. As long as you dont use the quick release theyre fine :)

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