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Bleeding Maguras (pump Water All The Way Through Or Not?)

Daborn Meister

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Basically i know how to bleed the brakes, (Magura HS33 Syringe Bleed), but when i'm pumping the oil out, (replacing with water), do i have to pump the water all the way through until the water comes out or just just until there is no oil coming out?

Plus is using the oil better, yes or no?

Many Thanks


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remember that water and oil won't mix. When I prep for a water bleed on an oily brake I usually blow as much oil out as possible with a bike pump. Then I bleed through a few times with water to get any gunk out.

Using clean oil is better for the brake, but water feels nicer at the lever.

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remember that water and oil won't mix. When I prep for a water bleed on an oily brake I usually blow as much oil out as possible with a bike pump. Then I bleed through a few times with water to get any gunk out.

Using clean oil is better for the brake, but water feels nicer at the lever.

Well wont you be getting loads of air into it by doing that?


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Basically i know how to bleed the brakes, (Magura HS33 Syringe Bleed), but when i'm pumping the oil out, (replacing with water), do i have to pump the water all the way through until the water comes out or just just until there is no oil coming out?

Plus is using the oil better, yes or no?

Many Thanks


To me they are the same thing. So, yes :P

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When I do a fresh water bleed I always bleed it with a full syringe 2 or 3 times to flush the oil through as much as poss. You may still find that you get some oil come through the next time you bleed but not a significant amount.

I much prefer water bleeds, it's free, much more responsive and much cleaner! Some people say they wreck seals ect but I've been running water bleeds for 3 or 4 years now with no problems at all. I'll never go back to oil (Y)


Edited by mintsauce96
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