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Who Are You Sponsored By? How Did You Get Sponsored


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I have an amazing sponser, always helping out with the bike, am not commited to wearing or using branded stuff etc..

Oh sponser is My Pocket!

Not fussed about sponsership and all that, enjoy riding so keep doing it.

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It is alot of hard work.

Its not just about getting free stuff, riding the occasional demo or comp.

Theres alot of work behind the scenes.

Most of the Demos I do for MAD dont leave alot of tome for sitting about, and most of the time there isnt even time to look around the event your riding at.

You have to set up the rig, make sure you and your bike are ready, hand out media, talk to people, ride, sometimes do cetrain things for Photos for news papers ect.

1 demo I did at the tour de france was, ride 25 min demo, straight over to the Race route, after the racers had passed get out and ride flat land trials over the space of a mile for the crowds, get back and ride another demo. Very tiring.

Riding for a good sponser is very hard work, but very rewarding, you get to see and go places you never would, meet great people ect.

If I didnt enjoy it soo much i wouldnt do it. Well wort the effort.

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Sponsered by Heatsinkbikes. Just sent Steve a CV and a Video and he took me on. I am now getting free pads due promoting the company constantly with new media (which seems to be popular :P ) and recently entering comps. I am known by quite a few people in the trials world and i feel im a genuine bloke who is always up for a laugh and thats the most important thing; enjoy your riding!

Edited by Ross Gardner
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its because sponsorship used to generally only mean a big tie in to a company,seriously discounted/free bits etc. however now sponsorship can be something little like a free set of pads.

no offence to mr kearns here, but picking him as an example, hes supposedly a necopads team rider.

whats he got from that deal, a mate of his has given him some pads as far as i can tell.

before that, he was briefly an MJ cycles sponsored rider, dont think he got much to any benefit out of that deal.

not saying it in a negative way, but its like for a friend/company to let you have a set of bars cheap/swing you a free set of pads, costs them bugger all, so a lot of people/companies dont expect a lot in return. there not expecting you to wear their shirt every ride, ride for them at comps, bring out videos every month, be jaw droppingly good, all there hoping is, that one or two of their mates will buy a set of pads, so theyll make there money back on the ones they gave for free, and further spread the reputation.

We've had danny testing and using our pads, giving us feedback on how they perform. And when the time comes for searching for more compounds to offer to people he'll be helping to test those as well and give us feedback on their performance. He's been very helpful with testing the new reds for example, without either me or boumsong having a smooth rim we've relied on other riders feedback on the pads performance. Danny also attends a lot of rides so people get to see the pads working, which HAS given us sales so far, we've had several comments from people saying things like "dannys brake in birmingham was amazing!". As i'm sure your aware we're literally just starting out, and as such we've left out/not realised certain things and t-shirts/stickers was one of them. When we get the t-shirts done, the riders WILL be wearing them, and they'll also be making decisions to the look and feel of the shirts so we can make sure it something they'd want to wear. Stickers will have to do until the shirts are done. When we get the demo rig built for the whymeswold event we'll be asking the riders nicely to come and ride the event.

Videos are currently in the pipeline from several riders and i know that now the good weather is coming there'll be even more videos being released. We also said that we didn't expect riders to be jaw droppingly good from the outset, theres also a certain satisfaction of helping riders progress with their riding and knowing you played a part in that, if we have top end riders from the very beginning we don't get that warm fuzzy feeling inside :$

Its a very funny term sponsorship, i'd much rather think of it as having some riders helping us out. And in response we help them out by giving them stuff. People all have different ideas of what sponsorship means some people expect more than others with them wanting free frames and stuff, other people are over the moon witha discount on products, and some people expect travel expenses paid for and things like that. I think if the riders are happy, and the sponsors are happy then thats fair enough. If you have the benefit of sponsoring friends rather than random people then i personally think thats better, you know the riders better and its not a brand new relationship that needs building, just a bit of tweaking.

Sorry to have waffled on :$

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NecoPads support me by giving me pads. At the moment they can't offer me anything else..Because all they do...Is pads.

As for MJCycles along way back...Well, I would have never have been able to build my Adamant A1 if it wasn't for the guys at MJCycles yaking me on board just as i was building it. Serious discount was involved aswell. I couldn't thank the guys enough for the support they give me. To be honest, I can't believe i threw that sponsor away, the guys were great, all amazing to talk to and helped me so much.

Once again, A big thank you to MJCycles and currently, Necopads.


happy to help.

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do you get free parts and frames if you get sponsored, if you do thats well cool :D

thanks bill

Not neccesarily, most people on here who are 'sponsored' get money off items or free things like pads/t-shirts.

Only the big ballers get free bikes/frames.

There are loads of people out there who arn't sponsored but are much better riders/ambassadors for the sport than certain people who are sponsored :)

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1 demo I did at the tour de france

Just checked your profile and know who you are now. We were at the tour de france thing with cycles UK. Think we spoke to you, martin and few others

Sponsership is nice but not essential. I would be quite happy still if I wasn't sponsered.

Riding and having a laugh is what its about.


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