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Biting nails.

Putting my foot on th pressure point so my knee bounces without even realising.

Talking to myself while talking to other people at the same time.

Singing to songs I dont even know the words too.

Blanking out when doing things, getting distracted.

Eating cereal at night and like pizza for breakfast.

Never use a spoon bigger than a teaspoon.

Gosh theres loads!

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Chatting to myself and shouting in my motorbike helmet. Dont know why I do it, just get bored I supposed lol

Swear far to much, I blame it on being an engineer and working with older men though.

I put my hand on nearly everything i pass in the street, like walls, bollards etc.

Judge people and think they are twats before even saying a word to them.

Probably more, ill have a think.

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but seriously, I'm also very good at that.

I hate brushing my teeth without the sound of the tap running.

I always squeeze bottles of coke so it makes the condensed CO2 pour over the sides - looks cool

I smell drinks before I drink them, for some reason.

Probably some more.


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Weird one this, but i cant go for a shit unless ive wiped the toilet seat with bog roll lol, just seeing if anyone else does this?

if its a toilets thats not mine/mates house i have to put bog roll on the seat, to protect me from aids.

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if its a toilets thats not mine/mates house i have to put bog roll on the seat, to protect me from aids.

Haha ive never put bog roll on the seat, good to know im not the only one paranoid about germs lol.

Just thought of some more...............

I cant go downstairs in the morning untill ive had a fag.

I have to have all the notes in my wallet in size order from front to back, as in £5,£10,£20.

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I over think everything.

I love everything to be neat, yet I'm to lazy to put everything back.

I hate it when things are being done in a non logical way.

When a friend corrects me on something I know is correct.

I have to have music on during the day, otherwise I can't concentrate and then become distracted.

When teachers teach you stuff in a confusing way when you can get the same figure in a less complicated way.

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I over think everything.

I love everything to be neat, yet I'm to lazy to put everything back.

I hate it when things are being done in a non logical way.

When a friend corrects me on something I know is correct.

I have to have music on during the day, otherwise I can't concentrate and then become distracted.

When teachers teach you stuff in a confusing way when you can get the same figure in a less complicated way.

we are well similar

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leaving curtains and window open when i sleep.

cant sleep before i lay facing the window, flip over lay facing away from the window, then flip back over. (really odd)

ALWAYS have to sit facing backwards when on the train... i feel really odd facing the direction of travel.

cant use the staff toilets at work, too small, have to use the disabled customer toilets.

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cant sleep before i lay facing the window, flip over lay facing away from the window, then flip back over. (really odd)

I do that, not exactly the same but I have to face the wall, face away, face it again, then rollover and face away before I can go to sleep.

It is weird.


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tv aspect has to be on just, if its on auto i have to kill people

For me, has to be fully using the screen (so, 16:4 or whatever widescreen is) and never 4:3, i really do go spare if i can't change it.

Things in the way of screens, even if it's just a pencil, on the housing of the screen, will piss me off. So i get up and punch whatever's there away.

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Can't stand odd things, like if i turn up the volume on the t.v, it pisses me off if it's on say, 17. has to be 16, 18, 20 etc...

Thats actually quite a common one.

Me; Smoking, its a habit and seems to annoy a lot of people.

Others include:

Knuckle and various other bone cracking noises.

Drumming my feet.

Having to always write in perfect grammar and prose on the internet and in texts (I'm gonna pay for that one...)

Picking at my psoriasis.

Dying my hair.

Making my bed.

Trackstanding with both brakes off.

Comparing myself to other people and thinking of reasons why I'm better than them (bit of a complex one that...)

Taking the piss out of Beardy Burton.

Having to read a book one chapter at a time, even if the chapters are massive or tiny.

Eating food in certain orders (someone else mentioned that one as well).

Never stepping on the third manhole cover in a three grid set.

Calculating the number of tiles on a tiled floor by counting one side, then another, and multiplying them together.

Counting stairs.

When I'm in a car, I always try and make the reflections of the white lines you can see from the back seat in the top of the windscreen beat in time to a certain aspect of whatever music I'm listening to.

Checking both my e-mail accounts when I turn my computer on.

Systematically checking each forum on TF, starting with NMC and finishing in SM chat.

Having black coffee and a cigarette as the first things when I wake up.

Playing with my thumb ring.

Stubbing cigarettes out so as they are completely extinguished.

Keeping old train tickets to use as roach.

When pouring Guiness, I always had to hold the glass at, or at least to as close as I could make out, a 45 degree angle, otherwise I'd get really upset.

Telling people crap jokes.

Apologising to my ex; I do that one way too much.

Going off on complete tangents when I'm on the phone to Pooley.

Only being able to listen to a song from the start. If I walk into a room and theres a song playing thats halfway through, I'll walk out again.

Picturing video's to whatever music I'm listening to.

Always finishing each drink, except for the last one, which I usually drop.

Sending a link to one of my new video's to everyone I have on MSN, even if their not trials riders.

Making stupid, big lists.

Thats about all for now, but I'm sure I can think of more.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Chatting to myself and shouting in my motorbike helmet. Dont know why I do it, just get bored I supposed lol

Swear far to much, I blame it on being an engineer and working with older men though.

I put my hand on nearly everything i pass in the street, like walls, bollards etc.

Judge people and think they are twats before even saying a word to them.

Probably more, ill have a think.


i sing to myself when on my ped


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