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Symmetry and even numbers are my vices. Along with nail biting and general effects of massive paranoia.

I used to be a cnut for that. When sitting in the car, i'd line up numberplates with the wipers, got right on my tits 'cos i couldn't stop doing it.

Pick my nose quite a lot.

Lazy as f**k.

Accidently, if i'm using a 2 button mouse or a mouse that has an easy click on it, i'll rest my fingers on the right click and will keep accidently pressing it just from resting my finger on it.

Quite a few more that i can't think of.

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If i dont do some kind of excercise i cant sleep

I wont listen to music unless its unbeliavble loud

Lazy when it comes to school work

I cant say no to people so i always have to go out

Very forgetfull, ill be told to do something and 5 mins later i'll forget what it was i was ment to be doing

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If i dont do some kind of excercise i cant sleep

I wont listen to music unless its unbeliavble loud

Lazy when it comes to school work

I cant say no to people so i always have to go out

Very forgetfull, ill be told to do something and 5 mins later i'll forget what it was i was ment to be doing

Me too, get new game for xbox and wanna play it.. and mate wants to go out and asks me but i can't say no so i gotta go out, meaning i sit there not riding :P

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Ever seen the film 23? i watched it a while ago and its true it all adds up 23 is everywhere.

Another one is i play games in cars where i blink every time i go past a lamppost.

I've got more but i'm gonna go bed soon =]

Ever seen the film 23? i watched it a while ago and its true it all adds up 23 is everywhere.

Another one is i play games in cars where i blink every time i go past a lamppost.

I've got more but i'm gonna go bed soon

Edit- another one is repeating myself

Edited by txt2007
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i sometimes leave the house, lock the door, go down the street a bit, and get worried because i've blanked out the memory of locking it, so I have to go back and check, or try to remember.

I do that almost every time I go out the door.

Oh and everything has to be symetrical or evenly spaced, cant stand things looking odd..

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Biting nails, getting so much better though.

Terrible at going to bed, but that's not really my fault, I just don't have a sleep pattern.

These two, plus i'm really superstitious, three drains, two drains, ladders, not crossing on the stairs, etc.

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These two, plus i'm really superstitious, three drains, two drains, ladders, not crossing on the stairs, etc.

Ive broke a mirror, ive walked under a ladder before and i always try and manuel drains when im on my bike! hahaha i lose :(

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i always have music on when i'm at home. use my ipod when leaving the house but i cant study to music.

when i dont listen to music i almost constantly have a song in my head and i often groove along with it with my hands and feet which pisses lots of people off...

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Clicking my toes, ankles etc.

Licking my beard and trying to bite the hairs.



Making up weird words and sentences.

Telling people I'm gay lol

Making sure my indicators aren't on when I'm on my motorbike. Does my bloody tits in because I can see they aren't on without looking down.

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heres some more:

walking about and shaking my hands, like jazz hands

after hearing a joke go "ba dum chh" (

bad example but you know what i mean)

Playing the nokia tune or space pirates at the back of the bus

eat every differnt food on my plate seperatly!

Edited by alextheferret
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drumming sequences on my fingers+getting it wrong on the other hand so i have to balance it out on the hand i starterd with

blinking/swallowing whenever i go through a shadow in a car or train

making marks on windows hit things by moving my head

lineing things up in cars (like what fatty does)

i have loads, there ones i do more often

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When I get bored and fidgety, I just fiddel with stuff and click my sholdure in and out. I get really fidgety when I'm not doing something really active, I think it's because I have a super mega metabolism and need to be doing something to use up all my energy!

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bite nails

judge people before i even talk to them

i analyse everything

can never sleep at night unless im genuinely shattered i have to have the tv on or i just lay awake for hours

if ive done very little during the day i become an absolute fanny to everyone

i am so lazy, ive just woken up 20 minutes ago, got two big courseworks in for tuesday and wednesday that i havent started and im on here :o

tapping/moving always, always have a song in my head (atm its the fray)

tv aspect has to be on just, if its on auto i have to kill people

Edited by Ash-Kennard
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