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Welfare In The Uk


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UNEMPLOYED scrounger Mohammed Salim is getting the state to pay for him, his wife and their ELEVEN kids—because he can't be bothered to go to work.

He quit his £27,000 job teaching maths and science three years ago and is BETTER OFF claiming £29,096 a year in benefits.

And he has much more time to devote to his Islamic political party— which ATTACKS the British government, even though this country gives his family their food, clothes and house for free.

Mohammed is also busy planning his TWELFTH baby with wife Noreen, 35, but has no plans to get a job.



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The article is very right wing and obviously has a hell of a lot of bias when reading the article to provoke a reaction. These sorts of papers are read by the easily lead and ilinformed who believe everything they read.

In regards to the situation, there definately is a problem with the benefit system as so many people are caught in the unemployment trap. As in many counties e.g. Germany, if you are able and willing to work and there are jobs, they will find one and say, "do it or we will cut off your benefits". I would like to see more of this approach.

The fact he is Muslim is just a very right wing approach by the paper. I didn't read the article in full, but i'm fairly sure he is a British Muslim now. I do not agree with what he is doing an i think he is taking the system for a ride and in this case should not be able to claim benefits. If he doesn't like the British way of living he should move back to Pakistan. It makes me angry when people try to impose something on other people. But on the other hand if he wants to like in the UK and just practise it himself, i don't have a problem with it.

One major point is that everybody thinks that the people claiming benefits are Muslims who have loads of kids etc, but a very large proportion are white people. I'm not sure on the exact figures, but people have to take this into consideration when looking at articles like this. Otherwise it just stirrs racial hatred. To be honest i'm REALLY not a fan of Muslims, my parents are Indian and if you have half a brain you'd know almost all Indians are brought up to not like Muslims. My parents didn't install this into me, but from what i've met of them....i'm not their biggest fan. But when looking at articles like this you have to look at more than one view point. And this is one person, think of all the other Muslims that are working and contributing. I know that some ethnic minorities usually hold down very well paid jobs and pay for other people's benefits!

In conclusion, i think the benefit system should be looked at again, but not much will change as lower class people will vote for parties which say "we'll give you lots of benefits". But people, don't vote for BNP as they really don't know what they are on about.

Peace out!

PS - SHOCKINGLY ugly kids.....i guess thats what happens when you marry your cousin....sick

Edited by Clownbike
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I like the way that the News of the World makes sure they CAPITALISE the words you're supposed to be OUTRAGED at. Presumably for people who don't have the necessary reading ability of a 7-YEAR-OLD required to understand the full article.

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Do you really think you could support yourself, your wife and eleven kids on 30k a year though? People are like oh yeah he's getting all this free money, but it's f**k all really, my mum and dad are on £30k+ each a year and I'm not exactly living the high life, I mean, we're comfortable but we're not exactly rich, just an average middle class family.

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The man made a wise choice, if you can make more doing nothing, people are going to take advantage of it.

Exactly. If the state's stupid enough to allow this to happen then he'd be stupid not to take advantage. Gets to spend all day with his kids and wife instead of slaving away in some college/school and is better off because of it.

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Difference being, your parents work hard (presumably) to earn that, and are paying a lot of money in taxes and the like that is, in part, funding people like this article. If they paid no taxes, and instead kept all their salary, you'd have more disposable income yourselves, instead of people being able to do nothing and live off the money taken from other people who do actually put the effort in.

I don't know all the ins and outs of these situations, and don't pretend to, but it's all a bollocks system as far as I can tell!

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I read an article the other day which was practically the same, the only difference was the family was white.

You obviously didn't read the topic properly. This guy is an IMMIGRANT! I expect that our white brethren had a perfectly good reason why they couldn't work, not like this work-shy IMMIGRANT.

lol :giggle:

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They get £19,000 a year Jobseeker's Allowance, £6,600 Child Benefit, £2,496 free school meals and £1,000 Council Tax Relief.

has no plans to get a job.

Why is he getting Jobseekers Allowance if he is not even attempting to find work????

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f**k yeah.

The News of the world have obviously never been to Croydon (don't blme 'em), this shit happens there every day.

writing from croydon, i'm on the 11th floor looking out the window and wondering how many of the people walking about during obviously non lunch times are thieving the money that I lose to taxes...

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Why is the Welfare being offered to anyone? He can work, he is fit enough and physically able to earn money and so is his wife, so in my view they shouldn't be ellagable for benefits.

But then theres the problem of finding them work to do, (I'm talking about all people on benefits who could work), I know people that are struggling to get work anywhere, like in the supermarkets, despite having decent GCSEs and stuff.

I don't think we have enough employment oppourtunities to fill up the population. All the lower class type people used to work in factories, and now a lot of the factories have shut, meaning there is no more manual labour to be offered out.

Also, a lot of the mines have closed.

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