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Old Trials Videos... Better Than Current?


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Not a bad idea... only prob I can see is... people from various counties often ride together - how would you sort that out? I would have great fun riding with guys from Yorkshire, Lancashire, Northamptonshire, Essex, Cornwall, Dorset and probably more for example! Also, would the riding have to be filmed in the county where the riders come from?

I guess it can be sorted out but maybe makes things more complex?

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Trials-Forum Video -> Full ViewDownloadUpload

I agree trials videos aren't the same anymore

These three videos always get me in the mood to ride

I miss the good old days of messing about with your mates on your bikes nower days it seems like everyone is either competing against each other or copying them

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I can only see one flaw to your plan - letting members judge .... itll degenerate into biggest hop video wins... I think if you put up the prizes you should be the judge ? seems about right ? I dunno - I just dont think prizes, fun, and democracy mix well...

on another note - the trialskings videos are soooo good - and the best part is they arent that detatched from proper bikes - they did a move sat down and rolled out .... all without looking like gimps

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Not a bad idea... only prob I can see is... people from various counties often ride together - how would you sort that out? I would have great fun riding with guys from Yorkshire, Lancashire, Northamptonshire, Essex, Cornwall, Dorset and probably more for example! Also, would the riding have to be filmed in the county where the riders come from?

I guess it can be sorted out but maybe makes things more complex?

Wherever, really. I don't think location's important, really. It's about making the most of wherever you are.

People who do the current trademark trials vid of slow-mo, b+w, instrumental metal intros, double slow-mos and shit like get the Loser's Prize of a kick in the tits, delivered personally by me.

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Not a bad idea... only prob I can see is... people from various counties often ride together - how would you sort that out? I would have great fun riding with guys from Yorkshire, Lancashire, Northamptonshire, Essex, Cornwall, Dorset and probably more for example! Also, would the riding have to be filmed in the county where the riders come from?

I guess it can be sorted out but maybe makes things more complex?

do it as, your hometown is the county you ride for in the comp? Will possible mean that you make new friends or ride with people you havent rode with before ? Getting more people together !!

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Sounds like a flipping great idea. I've just got myself a new bike so hopefully I'll get an old man video out with JTM in aswell.

Old videos are defo the best though. They actually make you want to ride not depress you by the fact most of use will never tap 60"s ,side hop 55", gap 10ft and drop gap 16 foot lol

I think a ban on big moves in the videos should be implimented that should stop things from becoming about who can go biggest it will be more of a who can be more creative.

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how about just say, that if oyu put sizes in or in the description you get disqualified of soemthing :P

o and i think it needs to be a mixture of street and natural !

ive just watched some really old videos, and they seem to be like what now we call 24 moves, like spinny manuely stuff, stuff that looks really good and fast flowing, more than just sidehop, gap, tap, drop single clips. I agree that they does look better, but i think the stuff we see today is more like :o he's got balls... kinda jaw dropping stuff ! Thats just my veiw anyway !

Edited by BenLeacock
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I think specifying it to the extent where you cap the size of the moves, and where they're performed, is pretty much sucking the fun out of it by just putting so many rules in place? Just let people do it however they want to. The TGS boys always talk about how their rides are the most fun evarz to go on, so why not let them prove it?

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I'd be happy to judge along with my follow mods, SMs and admins.

I think that the old videos had a lot of riders being inventive, editors who were being inventive, and not making things too long because we'd happily leave the PC running all night to try and get the 25MB spectacular that was in danger of turning the modem into a smoking heap. I don't think it's suprising that the same names keep coming up again and again with videos... James Hyland, Jonny Jones, even the old Adam Read ones...

We live in an it_will_do culture, especially on-line. Horrible pirate copies of films off cinema screens, camera phone pictures that sort of look like something described in the text if you squint a bit, and videos that feature the move. Look, here it is, here's the move. No context, no feel, just The Move. As Jenny put it so eloquently, no one can edit for shit, because few take pride in the editing. The editing is there to cut out the crap and slap some music on the top.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong... Riding footage is the raw material. It's the difference between a few odd planks of wood nailed together that you can sit on, and a well crafted chair.

Dammit, now I want to enter this competition! Can anyone lend me a camera? And help me edit it? I'll give you a producer credit, and co-edited by credit :)

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I'd be happy to judge along with my follow mods, SMs and admins.

I think that the old videos had a lot of riders being inventive, editors who were being inventive, and not making things too long because we'd happily leave the PC running all night to try and get the 25MB spectacular that was in danger of turning the modem into a smoking heap. I don't think it's suprising that the same names keep coming up again and again with videos... James Hyland, Jonny Jones, even the old Adam Read ones...

We live in an it_will_do culture, especially on-line. Horrible pirate copies of films off cinema screens, camera phone pictures that sort of look like something described in the text if you squint a bit, and videos that feature the move. Look, here it is, here's the move. No context, no feel, just The Move. As Jenny put it so eloquently, no one can edit for shit, because few take pride in the editing. The editing is there to cut out the crap and slap some music on the top.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong... Riding footage is the raw material. It's the difference between a few odd planks of wood nailed together that you can sit on, and a well crafted chair.

Dammit, now I want to enter this competition! Can anyone lend me a camera? And help me edit it? I'll give you a producer credit, and co-edited by credit :)

:o you mean the levelboss is going to be dusted off? :P

great idea though, i miss the old videos to

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