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My Ko Bodge--job Tensioner


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Sorry it only a picture to show my friend because his msn is gay.

But you can still comment if you like?

I did this beacuse my ko is ghey and the brake mounts are to far up and i have to angle the pads wrong.

This is now the wheel all the way forward and it hold tension perfect.

made it out of a old 26" tensioner and some washers and a longer funbolt.

Hope you like.

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I used a old spring loaded 26" tensioner then just took all the spring out and cut the edge off abit so it could fit on my frame and be able to move easily.

I them put wahers either side so i could put a bolt throw easily.

Then I got a longer bolt to use as a funbolt beacuse I lost alot of lenght off the other one beacuse of the tnsioner.

Hope this helps.

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