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Ashton Footage/ Videos Like Chainspotting

the croft

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I was looking through my old MBUK mags the other day and it got me to thinking!!

There are so many covers and articles of Mart doing some mental stuff Like 360 drop into a swimming pool, riding up rock faces, drops of skate parks so many other things!!

I was wondering if there were any vids out there that showcase Martyns riding He is without a doubt responsible for A massive number of people riding trials (me defo for one!)

I think the best footage I have seen is in Chainspotting, What a movie, I would love to see another movie made like that!! with Ashton, Hawyes, Hans Ray.... so many others!!!!!

So my point is.... Is there any fottage out there>>??? PIX/ VIDS as I think its a shame We dont get to see all these Great things Ashton does!!!

Let me know what u think, or maybe someone Can talk to Mart and see if he has anything he can put on here?



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There's not a huge deal of footage in the normal 'online video' style format we're so used to now. A fair few MBUK DVDs and such have short sections, and there's the obligatory Tricks & Stunts, Bi-King, Trial Nora, but not a great deal of up to date footage showing Mart having a bit of fun and doing what he does.

Suffice to say, there is likely to be a little more in the near[ish] future with a bit of luck, so keep your eyes peeled. I'm sure that anything that does come about will find its way to the media section of this forum in good time :)

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You can buy Chainspotting on DVD, as well as a single Tricks n Stunts/Bi-King disc. The second one also has a fun "When Martyn Met Lance" featurette from the old Chilli show.

Short of getting Getta Grip, that'd be the most complete Ashton record from back in the day...

Martyn Ashton - Should be the first inductee to the UK Trials Hall of Fame.

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Thanks! I have all of those on VHS lmao... As i have been into Trials since i was 17 and im 27 now!!

I just think its a Shame that there isnt more material of the massive things Mart did back in the day! Like i said some of the things he did for MBUK were nuts!!

Defo Ashton for the Hall of Fame!!! And why not a nomination to Sports personality of the Year!

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