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Oxford Today. (24th March)


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Good ride today! Was only 3 of us, but we had a laugh. Had the crazy weather changes we've all had recently, so I didn't have the camera out too much.

Ones I took (Just BMX):


Chainless fakie hop down the set.


Chainless fakie hop down again.


Either a 180, or 360. Don't remember...


Bank up to pedal stall.


Bank to pedal stall again.

Bigger versions on my Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/danoshea/

That's all I shot.

Was a good ride, apart from getting really cold and wet at one point, but luckily the brakes started working again, so we could carry on. :)

I'll edit it some shots my mate took of me in a minute.

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I didn't, no.

Was too wet to do anything really, and when it wasn't I was busy riding. :turned:

Jimi (guy inthe shots) got some footage, and a few pics of me. Will edit them in a sec.

Think we're all riding again next Sunday I think. I will be if I survive paintballing on Saturday.. :ermm:

Edited by Dan6061
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