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Zoo Pads, Whats Happend?


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Well the old zoo pads used to be s**t hot on smooth rims, and the new ones there a big no no.

Why did the change the material for? :S

the old ones used to be loud,bitey as hell, and would hold.

the new ones,they sound like a baby bird has been born,worse than maggie blacks,and DO NOT hold.

Please can they start selling the old style ones again, i miss them :(


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Deng can be a right goon about these things. Fixing things that aren't broken, metaphorically speaking

Example: his 08 Echo Lite frames (magura, super low standover) are horrendously ugly compared to the 06 and 07 Lites for starters, but also the rear dropouts are angled so the wheel clamping is awkward and doesn't hold all that tight (Echo rear hub, this is), it's a huge problem on Chai's bike for one.

Same for GU, the 06 frames were fine, and the 07 ones were very very neat indeed (smoothed off welds), and now the 08 line looks so overdone and the weld quality is highly criticisable. Sure, it's the ride that matters, but aesthetics and build quality is important too.

Then we go on to his Zoo 07 frames... simply, 'What a shame'. They ride stale compared to previous years, look nearly identical to all of Deng's other frames, horrid geometry. I hope deng fixes what he messed up in 07.

Something tells me going back into a time machine to take back all of Deng's 04/05 parts would be a great idea. So much popular stuff from back then

-Zoo mod stem

-Echo CNC rims

-original Echo Team stem geo

-Zoo pads

-white stripe Supatrial tyres

-04 python frames

-04/05 pure frames

-old silver Echo cranks with steel/brass thread

-original geo Zoo bars

-the list goes on.

Perhaps I could copy and paste that into an email to Deng. Feel free to do so, and perhaps we'll see rider-inspired changes to his 08 range.

EMAIL: Deng@Echobike.com


Edited by Sponge
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yeah your right i say dump the 08parts, and bring back old parts B)

i miss my old zoo bars, they snapped <_<


I have:

05 Echo Cnc rims

05 Zoo! Bars

05 Echo Bash

05 white lined monty tyre

Rear echo tyre with white line (copy :P)

05 Team stem Soon

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Deng can be a right goon about these things. Fixing things that aren't broken, metaphorically speaking

Also he doesn't respond to feedback to well. For instance when people ask him to bring back the 05 rims, he says there too narrow and therfore no longer acceptable for trials. And with the Zoo! bars, he says that he's sure theres no difference between the 'old style' and the 'new style' - when there blatinly is. And I can't remember what he said about the Zoo! pads, but my point is Deng doesn't listen to the riders/customers as much as say Onza or Heatsink do!

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Also he doesn't respond to feedback to well. For instance when people ask him to bring back the 05 rims, he says there too narrow and therfore no longer acceptable for trials. And with the Zoo! bars, he says that he's sure theres no difference between the 'old style' and the 'new style' - when there blatinly is. And I can't remember what he said about the Zoo! pads, but my point is Deng doesn't listen to the riders/customers as much as say Onza or Heatsink do!

So true, he told me exactly that too. There are massive differences between the old zoo bars and the new ones, same with the Echo tyres, which he claims are the same too. He also complains that he isn't doing CNCing anymore for the rims because it doesn't reduce as much weight as drilling according to him, and he wants to keep wide rims which is fair enough. To be honest, i'd rather he'd CNC the rims and keep them wide at the same time. All this coloured nonsense spread across 23 brands is a bit ridiculous to be honest,

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sorry, yeah, deng should bring back the old parts, love the 05 zoo cranks too, ive got some of thems ;)lol.

i like some of the 07-08 deng stuff, but i like some old stuff aswell, hate the new bars, new pads, some new frames. i like the new levers, rims, some frames, forks and cranks.

meh, im sure he'll understand when people stop buying crap, same with koxx to be honest.


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Deng needs to bring out:

05 Echo rims

Old style zoo pads

Old style zoo bars

Echo supertrial tyres

04 and 05 python frames

04/05 echo team forks

old style echo team stem

zoo mod stem

Old echo cranks and bash

There's loads. Deng's old stuff rules.


P.S - Magura need to get rid of there new shit maggys and get the decent 04's back on sale.

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With regards to the pads i don't find it hard to believe that deng brought out pads just to fill his catalogue with more stuff. I also don't find it hard to believe he just went along the lines of "soft pads=soft rims" and brought them out without much testing or thought about the mixture used to make them. He probably bought a shedload of them then went to a new supplier to order more and just asked for greens in 75a, thinking they'd be exactly the same, unfortunately the compounds vary between batches unless the mixture is recorded for future use.

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Example: his 08 Echo Lite frame is horrendously ugly compared to the 07 Lite for starters

They are the same frame?

I personally feel that the 07/08 model is a big change to the 06 one, the short seat tube creates a small gap, making the frame lower and neater, which in my opinion looks amazing.

but also the rear dropouts are angled so the wheel clamping is awkward and doesn't hold all that tight (Echo rear hub, this is), it's a huge problem on Chai's bike for one.

I'm running an Echo rear hub, in my Echo lite frame and my wheel clamps in place perfectly, I'll admit when I first got it I didn't think snail cams would hold well but its very well designed and accurate to hold the wheel tightly in place, so there is little flex in the frame when the wheel bolts are done up.

Whilst we are on the rant of Deng, why does he make the new 26" GU disc frame with disc and 4 bolt mount?, yet he makes the 20" frame with just a disc?

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