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Wtf Wont My Bb Come Out Of The Frame

dan more

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Sometimes the threads (on the bb, and in the shell itself) can bend slightly, so it feels like its never going to undo - when realy its just about to! Try adding a 5 foot scafolding pole over the end of your spanner, that should help (Y)

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i have done all the normal thingd your ment to do when takeing it out the bb has seased up in the frame so its un rideable and stuck. i have turnt it the right way and i used an extension bar about 5 inches over my knee hight and used an ad one (metal pole) and the mofo still wont come off any more ideas to get it off would be apreciated thatnks dan

Edited by dan more
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Strip your bike to bare frame bolt the tool to the bb put the bb tool and clamp it in vice turn the frame and out comes bb ;) worked every time were i work never been beaten bye not getting a bb out.

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(hope this is a square taper dude) I had a very stiff BB once and i had tried everything with my tool. and i left my farmer boy step-dad to have ago. He has one go with the BB tool and just stopped! Grabbed his welder and welded the axle to the cap of the BB. Then grabbed a monkey wrench (stillsons) and it came of quite easily. Give that a go.


Edited by eastmartonmassiff
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I had a right hassle getting a BB out of an XC frame the other day. I just poured boiling water all over the BB shell and it came out straight away... wasn't expecting it to work but there you go :)

I would't expect that to work. Im gonna try that next time as its harmless to the bike lol


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