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Bessell's New Boxx


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It's weird i love it and i hate it at the same time there ugly and butiful features to it i think i love it but i think it looks strange i duno maybe im sleepy? Ether way im pretty sure i wouldnt kick it out of bed sure youll ride it to your normall beasty standerds :)

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Hahaha how did i know when i heard you and Porter chatting about them that you would HAVE to have one! You like bikes that no-one else has got dont you! supprised you didn't get a V-racing to be honest.... maybe im being a bit deluded. Anyway man looks SICK! im not a weight weenie but i know you can ride any bike like a total beast, but what i want from you Mr Bess is MORE VIDEOS! :P

Cant wait to have a "bash" on it :P

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