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I never get moved on by the police, they don't seem to care any more. It's probably because they've realised we just go back to the same spot 5 mins later.

(Y) If they ask for your name and address give them a fake name and address. Then the next time you get caught it will be your first time again :)

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lol and remember it, don't just write it on your hand. lol ''hang on pc plod, let me take my glove off whilst i look at the palm of my hand''.(Y)

Surely the sweaty hand would rub it off, better still get some cards madde up (Y) THats my card ;) cheeky wink if it's a youn officer......

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Lol, gyser if you dont ride trials are you just on this forum to tell everyone what the role of pcso involves?

And to answer the topic ive only ever been asked to move on once, which was in southampton about 4 years back. Pick your stuff up, apologise for riding there, and move. I dont see how if you do that anyone could get any grief... ?

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ive only been moved on 2 times

but we smashed dwn a wall and we got in t local paper

we were famious lol

mst of t tim t police r amazed of wat we can do :D

init mate f**king mint trashin shit


Seriously it's people like you that get us f**ked over.

If you had some common decency(sp?) and didn't smash shit up,

the police might see riders in a different light.

Rant over

I personally have no qualms with police/PCSO's they do a good admirable job trying to keep the streets safe.

Of course they might seem moody and unjust at some time.

But if you had so little friend in his C-Unit Gang wouldn't you get a bit pissed off.

Sorry if that doesn't make much sense :P


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