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Drilled Or Non Drilled Rims?

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Wide rims are drilled to reduce weight by taking out un-necessary material that doesnt contribute hugely to the strength of the rim. That said I would imagine that an undrilled rim will be ultimately stronger than a drilled one, however the relative strength of the drilled rims is still sufficiently strong for trials use so drilling makes sense :)

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The weight saving is far from massive and is hardly noticeable. Speed isn't really an issue in trials so the saving in rotating mass isn't spectacular either. Every little helps though I guess.

If you were to take a single wall rim, 32H and drilled 30 20mm dia holes in it and the thickness was 2mm you'd remove about 51g of material. Even if it was double wall you'd remove 102g. As a percentage its an ok saving over the weight of the rim but when you consider a dual ply tyre that weighs around 1.2kg its not much.

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Yeah but alotta folk drill out their dx32, i know i did.

I think that drilling your rims is more for style then anything. You dont save lots of weight and it really does not compromise the rims strength any so if you think it looks good then do it if not dont.

As for me i have swanky rim tap so u know i bust out the drill!!

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