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Drum And Bass Creation


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The synth and stuff sounds better. But the drums sound worse, the snare drum sound is horrifying. I think it would be more punchy to mix the drums louder. Also try to use some crash cymbals as I'm pretty sure the Pendulum drummer, however bad he is, will use them as opposed to just a hi-hat.

Change the bass drum to something fatter and louder.

Change the snare to something acceptable.

Add more crash.


EDIT: I sound quite negative, believe me when I say that what you have already done is actually really, really good. I wouldn't be able to do anything close to it (apart from the drums). Good luck with your music course, seems like you have talent.

nah man its cool, negative is good, id rather people say 'its bad cause of this' rather than yeah its nice, full stop.

i kinda like the snare actually but i can see where youre comin from, the reason i changed it is cause we recorded some drum samples at college last week and i have to use one, might re-record it when i can, ill work on the kick though.



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is it buggery


just to let you know, the tracks you've uploaded are now protected by some kind of forcefield, where it asks one to login as a BT yahoo internet user/sucker.


see if you can upload it elsewhere!

shit, might have used up all my bandwidth

anyone recommend where i can upload it now?

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