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Hope Pro Ii 07 Reliability/reviews Etc...


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Hey all, i know this has come up alot but mainly about the 06 hubs. I'm considering getting a hope pro II 07 if another option doesn't work out. Has there been any failures with the new style hubs? What are they like in terms of strength i.e. do they skip alot? Was thinking of a king but haven't really got the cash to blow if the hope will do the same job. cheers-Hugh

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From what iv seen of chris kings i would steer well clear of them even if i had the cash.

What've you seen of them? I've had two and have never had any problems, I know of people on here who have had 5/6 of them and never had any problems either...

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why get 5 or 6 if you dont have any problems?

and basically hope pro 2 07s are virtually flawless.

Sell them to get a new one, for a new bike, or if you want one in a different colour?

I'd say Kings are virtually flawless too, much like any hub, they need looking after, and many people would say a service every 6 month is a good way of keeping them running them smooth, but as is the case with any other precision part, if you don't look after them they will die, so it's not really too much to ask to check it over once every 6 months..

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Pro2's are really nice hubs, theres only been one 07 to date thats cracked from what ino and thats mattys above. They never skip and dont need much attention. Really good hubs at a good price. I had one and only got rid of it because i fancied going for a light freewheel set up. If i dont like that though ill be getting another pro2.

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My pro 2's been great, it has skipped on me, nothing major like when kings skip (complete skip not a little crunchy sounding one)... just a loud bang noise, quick loss of engagements and enough of a warning for me to be able to keep my weight back and try and ride the move out "safely". Had it since last summer and i reckon i'll have a go at taking it apart pretty soon to give it a spring clean.

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people who think king hubs are shit are retards.

king hubs can have one tooth skips too, just doesn't happen often and when it does you barely notice it, as they are so quick to pick up again.

king hubs ARE the shit.

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hope pro2 hubs are seriously overrated , i got one from the last bikeshow and all ive done is replace springs and there is a considerable difference between the feeling of a king and a pro2 .

i dont think you should realy be able to comment on any hub unless you have owned on.

my next investment will be a chrisking and from aspire there only £60 more than a pro2 , if you like chrisking ride chrisking , if you like pro2 then ride on ..... if you like freewheel you need to get off the drugs :lol:

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From what iv seen of chris kings i would steer well clear of them even if i had the cash.

LOL if you ever rode a king (BMX) hub you would'nt say that^^ :- , my king feels/rides soooo much bettter than hope 2 :lol:

but with hope 2 there pretty sweet me mate's has been sweet for -8 months with no service etc.

And it ride's sweet as the day he got!

But yer if you own a king hub your see the diffence to a hope one, also you can feel the king picking up every time , were with pal's hope

just ant as sweet as a King.

Edited by thewoomaster
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I've had an 07 Pro II for over a year with no problems.

It did skip once when it was brand new and hasn't skipped once since (like I said, in over a year). I have a lot of faith in it - I've just bought another for my next wheel (current wheel needs new rim).

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I knew it would end up like this. Everyone has an opinion.

Don't say "KINGS ARE SHIT" if you haven't used one. The reason I got a Hope was I no they are good quality hubs. Easy to repair. also they are very well priced, and most important hope service is second to non. If you have ANY trouble. send it to them they sort it out.

Kings in the other hand are bit out of my price range, Thats the only reason I haven't got one. Also you would need a tool to clean and service them. I haven't ridden one so I cant say how they perform.

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i have had a 06 pro 2 for 2 years nearly its never skippd once even when one of the springs had snaped all i have had to do is replace the springs, cost hardly anything (but hope give you them if you ask) also had to replace 1 bearing other than that its just totaly mint they are the best out, also the 07 ones are even better.

get one they are half the price of a king, and better :)

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Kingz service is just as good as hope dude! You do need a tool to serivce it yourself!. Or know the dude's at your local bike shop are more than happy to service etc.. plus it's as all for free to as they built it up. (Y) Sure most bike shops are like this :unsure:

Turely have'nt ridden many hub's a hope pro2, profile, onza 30 click thing but my King hub feels the best and PICK'S up alot better than Hope 2. Ride's the best to (Y)

"hope is as good as king or better" they hav'nt rode a king or looked after it well :S

£60 quid more, you gotta spend the money to get the best dude :sleeping:

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