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a mum and her son are walking through a park and the see two people having sex on a bench.

the kid asks" mum what are those people doing?"

the mum not wanting to tell the kid what the people are doing due to the awkward questions it would raise says " they are making a cake honey"

the next morning the kid says to the mum " you and daddy were making cakes last night"

the mum asks" how do you know"

the kid says " because i ate the icing off the sofa this morning" :sick:

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a mum and her son are walking through a park and the see two people having sex on a bench.

the kid asks" mum what are those people doing?"

the mum not wanting to tell the kid what the people are doing due to the awkward questions it would raise says " they are making a cake honey"

the next morning the kid says to the mum " you and daddy were making cakes last night"

the mum asks" how do you know"

the kid says " because i ate the icing off the sofa this morning" :sick:

Haha thats Grime!

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A man walks into a bar and orders 10 pints of larger,

The barman seems surprised and asks the man if he's celibrating anything

the man replies yeah my first blowjob.

the barman thinking this is a good reason offers to give the man an eleventh pint on the house

'the man says don't bother if these 10 don't get rid off the taste nothing will

that sir is of one of roy chubby browns videos=LEGEND!

here is a shit one

a tortios walks into a pub and the barman goes oh no not you and picks the tortios up and throws it out

the tortios walks back in the pub a year later and says what did you do that for :giggle:

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The Day the Penis asked for a Raise

I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following


I do physical labour.

I work at great depths.

I plunge headfirst into everything I do.

I do not get weekends or public holidays off.

I work in a damp environment.

I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation.

I work in high temperatures.

My work exposes me to contagious diseases.


P. Niss

The Response:

Dear P. Niss,

After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you

have raised,

The administration rejects your request for the following reasons:

You do not work 8 hours straight.

You fall asleep after brief work periods.

You do not always follow the orders of the management team.

You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting

other locations.

You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and

stimulated in order to start working.

You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift.

You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as

wearing the correct protective clothing.

You will retire well before you are 65.

You are unable to work double shifts.

You sometimes leave your designated work area before you have

completed your assigned task.

And if that were not all, you have been seen constantly entering and

exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious-looking bags.


V. Gina


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A man walks into a pub and says "have you got any grapes?"

"No, sorry mate this is a pub" The Bartender replies.

So the next day the man goes into the pub again and asks "Have you got any grapes?"

"No mate this is a pub if you ask once more ill nail you to the bar" The Bartender replies.

The next day the man goes into the pub and says "You got any nails?"

"No" says the bartender

Then the other man askes "Well have you got any grapes then?"

ROFL! :giggle:

How i posted before you??

Look at the bottom of the 2nd page...

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A minister decided to do something a little different one Sunday morning.

He said "Today, in church, I am going to say a single word and you are going to help me preach.

Whatever single word I say, I want you to sing whatever hymn that comes to your mind."

The pastor shouted out "CROSS."

Immediately the congregation started singing in unison, "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS."

The pastor hollered out "GRACE." The congregation began to sing "AMAZING GRACE, how sweet the sound."

The pastor said "POWER." The congregation sang "THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD."

The Pastor said "SEX" The congregation fell into total silence.

Everyone was in shock. They all nervously began to look around at each other afraid to say anything.

Then all of a sudden, way from in the back of the church,

a little old 87 year old grandmother stood up and began to sing "PRECIOUS MEMORIES."

Gotta Love Little Old Ladies.

Oh, I hope you guys don't mind religious jokes. (I'm Catholic by the way)

Here's another of my favourite:

A priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in the Parish.

A leading local politician and member of the congregation was chosen to make the presentation and give a little speech at the dinner.

He was delayed, so the priest decided to say his own few words while they waited.

"I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I heard here.

I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place.

The very first person who entered my confessional told me he had

stolen a television set and, when questioned by the police,

was able to lie his way out of it. He had stolen money from his

parents, embezzled from his employer,

had an affair with his boss's wife, taken illegal drugs, and gave VD

to his sister. I was appalled.

But as the days went on I knew that my people were not all like that

and I had, indeed, come to a fine parish full of good and loving


Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of

apologies at being late.

He immediately began to make the presentation and gave his talk.

"I'll never forget the first day our parish priest arrived,"

said the politician

"In fact, I had the honor of being the first person to go to him for


Edited by spaceman
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Righto, I get it now.

Well, some more jokes! Not really jokes, but weird questions...


Can you cry under water?

How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?

Why do you have to "put your two cents in".. but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?

Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

What disease did cured ham actually have?

How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?

If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.

Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him?

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane ?

If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Why did you just try singing the two songs above?

Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

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