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hey people,

i'm rob. i have been learning trials for a few years now in pittsburgh, pa. :) i ride mostly by myself commuting 10 miles total every weekday on my STP and jumping around at lunchtime when there isn't snow. i got into trials because i had been riding almost every bike i owned like a trials bike to some extent so i figured i should attempt to use the correct bike and dial in some better moves/skills. i also use my trials bike for playing bike polo and have been running moto brake setup because of that.

i still haven't got rear wheel balance dialed in 100%, i think my disc only frame is not helping me and i'm afraid a hydro on the back would snap my non-drive chainstay - i would eventually like to get a used echo control for trials and use my STP for XC and street stuff. manualing is starting to become easier for me as is balancing with the front wheel up on something. i can hop up onto something about 30" or better, though admittedly, i'm not using enough drivetrain yet and static hops don't feel dialed in for me yet. i'd have to say that my current specialty might be skinny balance lines.

i'm getting pumped up for a trip to ray's indoor MTB next week for (i believe) a closed session... hopefully i won't break myself or my bike. curious to see the new stuff and changes to the setup there.

i do all of my own wrenching, so i can hopefully share some useful info passed down to me from the few other oldschool trials bastards i know.

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Hi! my name is Kristaps from Latvia and i`m 24. I started to ride trials when i was 14. But after a year and a half i went to ice hockey and that become as my profession till last year.I was participated in 3 BIU world chemp rounds. My best result was 6th place.

Because of ecanomic situation in Latvia i quit ice hockey, I could not earn enough money for living.So me and my wife decided to come abroad to Hull and find some job here. Now we are working here and i want to ride again.

I have kamel 231 bicycle. Actually we are two riders here, my brother in law lives with us and just got his trials bike on christmas. Hi is also a new member here, i will tell him to introduce him self here as well.

P.S. If anybody who read this knows some riders who live around Hull or know good places to ride here, please let me know.

Thank you everybody.

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Hi! my name is Kristaps from Latvia

Welcome to TF mate!

Just as a point, i love the fact a person, for whom english is clearly not their first language, has managed to use the system correctly!

I was getting sick of the threads titled 'hi ima n00b, how does i gt valdatd cos sellin byk'

rant over....continue

Edited by shamus
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Welcome to TF mate!

Just as a point, i love the fact a person, for whom english is clearly not their first language, has managed to use the system correctly!

I was getting sick of the threads titled 'hi ima n00b, how does i gt valdatd cos sellin byk'

rant over....continue

Thank you very much mate!

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hi i´m rainer from germany. my english makes it difficult to get a quick registration here but i would like to talk with in some interesting threads here.

especially the "make a frame" thread. i´m experimenting in ghetto frames too. its a lot of fun.

here a video from my third prototype that is still in heavy use. the story about is in the commentlinks: http://www.vimeo.com/7689710

greetings rainer

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All greetings, I VETAL from russia! I the newcomer at a forum, at me am echo lite 09, collected on components V!Z, Trialtech and ZHI!

I live and go for a drive in the city of Kaliningrad!

My other hobbies: Football, music, a photo

Thanks VETAL

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I am Luriks. I come from Slovenia trying to make this sport bigger here.

I've been registered here for a long time and now I guess it is time to add some posts and share my opinion. :P

Here is a little video (witch you might have already seen) with some of our riders including me (white pants): http://www.vimeo.com/3411078

And here is my ride:


More pictures:

click 1

click 2

click 3

Special big HELLO to everybody who already knows me on this forum and a happy New Year! :santa:


Edit: Thanks for votes everyone!

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hey guys,

i am matt tomlinson. i am from northern michigan in the united states and i currently ride a brisa b26d. i got the bike in september and it is my first real trials bike. i have a pretty simple setup of v-brakes on it right now, but i also often experiment with some brakeless riding. its winter here right now and the snow isnt stopping my friends and i from riding. when i find the right forum i will post some pictures of us riding our trials bikes in the winter.

asides from trials i ride other disciplines of bikes such as some light downhill and freeride as well as some bmx to round it out. i also xc ski and snowboard in the winter to pass the time. i am currently going to school for a degree in renewable energy and i absolutely love those classes. hopefully i can become an active member of this forum quick enough and start reading about trials again (i am ex otn).

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Whats up fellas. I'm a new member from Southern California, recent OTN refugee. Some of you know me as the same screen name on there. I'd like to be able to post in the OTN thread someday but I guess I have to learn to crawl on this site before I can post. Guess I'll see you guys around.

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Whats up fellas. I'm a new member from Southern California, recent OTN refugee. Some of you know me as the same screen name on there. I'd like to be able to post in the OTN thread someday but I guess I have to learn to crawl on this site before I can post. Guess I'll see you guys around.

welcome from another OTN refugee from Nor-Cal

I like your atom lab, how well does the hydro gyro work?

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welcome from another OTN refugee from Nor-Cal

I like your atom lab, how well does the hydro gyro work?

Its not bad actually. I'm not super impressed with the power, and I have to keep a zip tie on it to keep it from stressing the hose. But considering its the cheapest hydro-gyro you can buy its decent.

What was your screen name on OTN? Or better yet, you ride keyesville or kernville last year?

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Its not bad actually. I'm not super impressed with the power, and I have to keep a zip tie on it to keep it from stressing the hose. But considering its the cheapest hydro-gyro you can buy its decent.

What was your screen name on OTN? Or better yet, you ride keyesville or kernville last year?

same screen name, I just git into trials in November and am waiting on the last few parts of my bike to get it finished. I can't wait for OTN come back live, I am looking for people to ride with locally

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same screen name, I just git into trials in November and am waiting on the last few parts of my bike to get it finished. I can't wait for OTN come back live, I am looking for people to ride with locally

Check out southern california biketrials on Facebook. Some of the guys on there are from the bay area. Hit up kevin drake, he'll set you up with locals.

We also started a forum at www.socalbiketrials.proboards.com but its still pretty slow to catch on.

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All greetings, I pfilll from russia! I the newcomer at a forum, at me am Neon BOW 09, collected on components V!Z, TryAll and ZHI!

I live and go for a drive in the city of Kaliningrad!

My other hobbies: Football, music, a photo

Thanks pfilll

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Hi all, new in town just recived my first bike from Tarty's and that bike is a MAD phase 1.2. only took 5 day's postage to Oz bloody love that!

Well I'll start off by saying I'm 24 in a few weeks, have been looking at getting involved with trials riding for aleast 6 months now.

But there seems to be a few obstcials living in Austraila, i.e very small following in this genera of riding, so I bought a unicycel

5 months down the track and my first trials bike arivved. Now I'm just pouring over all the fourm topics looking for helpful hints 'n' tricks.

thanks for listening.

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hiya im not new to tf i used to ride about 4 years ago but have just got a new bike and am lookin at gettin back into it.....if any one rides in the ipswich/colchester area can you send me a pm cus lookin for someone to ride with as i have only lived here for a few months now....


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