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Hey, I'm Ben.

Just getting back into trials after whats probably been around 5-6years.

After a good dusting off and service I ride an old monty 221 xlite around the derbyshire and chesire area.

Looking to get out as much as possible to build up the fitness so i can get something like how i used to be.

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Hi Everyone!

Due to adverse weather – fog so thick you could have knitted with it – we didn’t manage to get any filming done the other day!

Rest assured the dedicated website www.peak100.co.uk is nearly live!

This will contain all the documents you need to take part, including the links to the GPX files for your satnavs, route maps and route notes!

In the meantime, please visit our Events Website to sign up! - http://bit.ly/gCbRKP

Many thanks,


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Hey there! My name's Roger and i'm from Spain!

I've been wanting to buy a trials bike for quite some time already but other things have come across and i've never had the chance to buy one ($$).. This is what I ride around town... Hopefully this next summer i'll have a trials bike!


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Hi there guys! My name's Matt I'm from Nottingham and if I'm honest I haven't really done any riding at all apart from a little mountain biking. Used to be very good friends with a lad who was incredible on his bike (Considering at the time he was 14!) he'd be hopping around on the back wheel, and it was very impressive. Always fancied a go myself but always sort of thought "I wouldn't be able to do that!".

However after the few times I've been out riding I've been loving it and would love to learn and will be looking to build / buy my first trials bike and getting some practice in. So there may be the odd silly question or clueless response however I'll always try to search first and happy to help where possible :) Hope your all well!

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Hey my name is Charlie.

I ride a custom bike made up myself, picture will follow soon. I ride in the torquay area devon so if your about in this area let me know if you want to hook up.

I was out of action as i separated my fib and tib breaking the ligament holding the two together, did that trials riding on an embarrassing 1ft balance beam (LOSER) so i need to get back on it but my area lacks in riders.

I also have a bike shop called bikin motion in torquay, i can do pretty much anything sevice and repair wise to a bike so if you need a hand or some advice send me a message, also if your in need of new parts give me a shout.

Hopefully see some of you for a ride soon.

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Morning guys!

My name is Phil, 21 and live in sunny Birmingham!!! :shifty: I currently ride a road bike and a mountain bike (not at the same time obviously) Im looking for a stock trials bike at the moment to get into trials, fingers crossed!

Hopefully ill have a bike out see some of you around soon!

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Hi Guys,

I'm Gwyn, and in spite of my name I am a bloke, an old bloke really at forty seven!

As that Aussie mentioned in the thread about "How old to ride", when I grow up I want to be a Trial Rider.

I always wanted to get into Motorbike Trials but got sidetracked into racing all sorts of vehicles. I have stopped racing everything now and was researching motorcycle trials and came accross bike trials and really liked what I saw. It seems like a great way to get some exercise as well as learning to ride trials. If I can convince my eight year old to try it out with me then we will be able to learn together. Seems like only upsides to me.

I think I am going to go and but-in to the "Where to begin" thread as I have some questions to ask about bikes I have seen.

Soon to be trials riding!!!

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Hi Guys.

I'm Mike. I'm 25 and live in Norwich. I've just got back into riding after 9 years off. I'm keen to meet up with some other trials riders in Norwich.

There is a thread in the other forums where a Norwich ride is being arranged for the 20th of this month and i'd love to post a proper introduction and request to join them in there, so if you could approve me to full membership, it would be much appreciated.



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Hello gents!

I'm Mark, 22, hailing from Ashington just north of Newcastle. Just got back into riding after probably close to 10 years off being lazy.

Starting to get a bit podgy as the years tick on so I thought it would be best to dust off my old megamo and try to shed some pounds, this lead to me reading about the whole 24" business that is going on so, as usual, I dived head first into it and bought a fourplay, lets hope I dont regret it.

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Hello Im Jamie, 27ish, and ride an onza 20".

Been riding trials around 6 months after 8 years off. I used to ride dirt and street for a company called Planet X (not sure if they still exist), but had to quit due to injorys.

Loving riding trials/street, but most of my mates think they are to old to ride so I'm intested in getting involved or starting trials/street club in my area (Sheffield-South Yorkshire) if anyones intrested?

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Hello Trials Forum

Been riding trials since 1985, first bike was a Monty Ot Pi Replica. Been on moto bikes forever and started back into bike trials about 2 years ago. Currently ride a Meta stock and my son rides a Simtra mod. There are many of us who ride in New Mexico. I am 50 years old and will always be a newbie I recon. When and if I ever become a real member here, I will post up some pics and a few vids. Hope to make some friends.

Cheers from near Albuquerque New Mexico.

Tony (Ateam)

Edited by Ateam
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Hello Everyone,

This is my first post here. My name is Ryder Okumura and I am currently living and riding in Durango, Colorado USA. I've been riding since 1995 both 20" and 26" on and off. I have begun organizing events here in Colorado and anyone is welcome to come and visit. I'll be organizing a North American Trials Series event here in Durango on May, 28th 2011, and will be riding quite a bit this year.


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Hi all, new to trails, just got myself a Onza Pro 2009. seems ok to me.

anyone from leeds/wakefiled/pontefract and want to show a newbe how to ride??? or anyone riding around these areas so i can come and tag along, if they dont mind.

cheers Darcy

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  On 2/20/2011 at 10:20 PM, Darcy said:

Hi all, new to trails, just got myself a Onza Pro 2009. seems ok to me.

anyone from leeds/wakefiled/pontefract and want to show a newbe how to ride??? or anyone riding around these areas so i can come and tag along, if they dont mind.

cheers Darcy

  On 2/20/2011 at 10:20 PM, Darcy said:

Hi all, new to trails, just got myself a Onza Pro 2009. seems ok to me.

anyone from leeds/wakefiled/pontefract and want to show a newbe how to ride??? or anyone riding around these areas so i can come and tag along, if they dont mind.

cheers Darcy

Hi Darcy, I only live in sheffield and would be up for meeting up eather you end or mine, always looking for good riding spots. I'm quite new to trials myself but picking it up ok I think. How long have you been riding? Jamie!

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  On 2/21/2011 at 12:19 AM, sheffield Jamie said:

Hi Darcy, I only live in sheffield and would be up for meeting up eather you end or mine, always looking for good riding spots. I'm quite new to trials myself but picking it up ok I think. How long have you been riding? Jamie!

Hi Jamie, where abouts in Sheff are you from? I'm also in sheffers at Uni :) Dan

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  On 2/21/2011 at 12:19 AM, sheffield Jamie said:

Hi Darcy, I only live in sheffield and would be up for meeting up eather you end or mine, always looking for good riding spots. I'm quite new to trials myself but picking it up ok I think. How long have you been riding? Jamie!

hi mate, you up for riding somewhere, me and Dan where talking about going riding somewhere sunday,or next.

and only just got the bike last night so not really started riding yet. time to get riding.

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Hi my name's jarred driver (jay) and i am hoping to get into trials in the next few weeks as i have been inspired by "liam n" and "sprog" to start riding and i think it looks like a great sport can't wait to get riding and meet new people and make friends,i'm also into other sports like football. thanks jay

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