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Hey guys, new to the forum, im jon from Rochdale. Ive been riding for a few years now, but had a two year break with a bad foot breakage. Im looking to get myself a new ride, have got a 3mnth old big hit in candy apple red size small if anyone is interested in a trade, cant wait to get back up blackstone edge,


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Well I have just read the "How to" regarding validation, it would appear I have made a blundering error in my very first post.

Unfortunatley I seem unable to edit the previous post? Perhaps this is because i am posting from my mobile phone, I do not know? So....... please accept my apologies, wont happen again.


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Hi all,

I'm Mark, live in Alton, Hampshire and have been riding bikes all my life in one way shape or form. I'm totally new to trials and was recommended to visit this site so here i am! Have yet to acquire a bike but am frantically looking!

Hope all is well. Looking forward to geting stuck in.


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Hello everybody,my name is Danny and i`m from Holland. Here trial isn`t as big as it is in the UK.

When I started about 6 months ago I thought I was the only one in my town.

I started with a 20inch monty,but for some reasen this didn`t felt right. I was lucky to find another rider with a 26inch bike.

I tried his bike and this felt much beter. So I bought a stock Kott ms2. Unfortunately my frame broke...........

So now i`m waiting to buy a new frame. The other rider by the way I found on this forum,He happens to live almost next to me.

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Im Max and i live in bristol. and im looking for a trials bike. im completely new to trials. and i was wondering if anyone could give me any hints on what trials bike to buy?

to be honest i want a second hand bike. i only have £250 at the MOST to spend. thankyou.

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Hello, I`m Bogdan from Romania,i`m 24 and i ride from about 8-9 years...i have this account from a while, but didnt get involved so much, in the UK and rest of the Europe this sport became an Industry and its kinda weird to see how all people share ideeas and tips for getting this sport even further. But hope that in the near future this sport will be well promoted and that it could get more attention in the small country`s too. Looking forward to get a chance and come to the UK and ride those urban spots. Cheers

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Hi my name is Dan smith

I live down in poole, dorset! I have been riding for a few years now and i have seen the sport evolve into something incredible. At the time of starting i had never even heard of hopping on the back wheel!

I ride with a group of locals usually, joe tilsed, nathan roach and tom mcmillan just to name a few...

Ive compeated heavily in the past reaching masters, then i got s**t scared of the sections, now i just ride for fun mainly!

Look forward to chatting some more and sharing pictures and videos!


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Hi I'm Jon. I'm from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I'm just getting into riding again after quite a whil away. I am currently building an Inspired Fourplay in a mix of trials/street. I've been a Mobile electronics technician for the last 19 years. Other hobbies of mine are: skiing, golf, guitar, music, etc. I'm looking forward to getting back into riding and meeting people on the forum. I'm sure everyone here can really help me with any questions.

Thanks, Jon

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Hi my name is Jiten and I am very new to trails. I am very interested in it and I need some help on buying my first trails bike. I have had a go on some of my friends trails bikes, one of them has a Monty and one of them has a Woodman.


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hi im greg from bromyard,herefordshire. . . im 16 and have been riding for about 1 day lol im trying to by a da bomb trials bike off a mate so i can get into it

im trying to contact a guy on here who has a onza tpro forsale but i cant contact him yet (N)

i hope i get to know you all and maybe meet you alll one day

many thanks


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  maxii95 said:

Im Max and i live in bristol. and im looking for a trials bike. im completely new to trials. and i was wondering if anyone could give me any hints on what trials bike to buy?

to be honest i want a second hand bike. i only have £250 at the MOST to spend. thankyou.

Just keep an eye out on the for sale forum, shouldn't take too long to get validated if your not doing anything wrong :P. I got my Zoo Python 04 for £200 which was a bargain, needed some work on it but very worth it! :)

Once you get validated, pm me because I might have a bike for you (can't sell bikes on new members thread) :P

  gregh55 said:
hi im greg from bromyard,herefordshire. . . im 16 and have been riding for about 1 day lol im trying to by a da bomb trials bike off a mate so i can get into it

im trying to contact a guy on here who has a onza tpro forsale but i cant contact him yet (N)

i hope i get to know you all and maybe meet you alll one day

many thanks


Hey Greg, good luck getting a trials bike, hope to meet you one day too. :)

P.s try to use capitals and punctuation.

  Jiten said:
Hi my name is Jiten and I am very new to trails. I am very interested in it and I need some help on buying my first trails bike. I have had a go on some of my friends trails bikes, one of them has a Monty and one of them has a Woodman.


Hey Jiten, what sort of help would you like with buying your first trials bike? (Help us to help you)

  leachie said:
Hey guys, new to the forum, im jon from Rochdale. Ive been riding for a few years now, but had a two year break with a bad foot breakage. Im looking to get myself a new ride, have got a 3mnth old big hit in candy apple red size small if anyone is interested in a trade, cant wait to get back up blackstone edge,


Hey Jon, sorry to say but the new members section isn't for selling/trading... Must have sucked breaking your foot :(

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Hi Guys and Gals (If there are any on a Trials Forum) :D

My greetings come all the way from South Africa in Port Elizabeth (And no, I don't have a lion in my backyard ;) ). We'll a bit about myself since this is what it's all about:

I started riding trials on a small frame Giant with vee's etc in 1995. I then upgraded to a "Full High Spec" Trials bike (Or what was considered a proper Trials bike back in the D) in 2000. That was when I lived in Bloemfontein in SA. We were about 5 guys doing Trials and probably some of the first people doing Trials in SA, believe it or not!Competed in quite a number of comps through the years. We'll in 2001 I moved to Port Elizabeth and got a big shock, only 1 person doing trials here!!Shocking. Most of the time I found myself going on rides alone and needles to say it did not last long!Even though I lived to ride, and rode to live, It only lasted till 2002/3 riding alone most of the time (Sadly the 1 person that did trials here passed away back in 2002). So I ended up having to quit and stop riding because it's just not the same riding alone, no matter how much you like doing Trials! O and I'm 24.

I will be moving to Cape Town for my Masters in Engineering in a months time and luckily there is a very big trials community there!Finally!!So I have decided to go full steam ahead with Trials again!Very excited!!!

My Bike -- I'm riding the bike a purchased way back in the day, it's still in very good nick, but it's way outdated!!! DMR Sidekick, XTR Front Hub, XTR Rear Hub, Mavic D521 Rims, New Maxxis DH Minion Tyres bought, FSA Orbit Extreme Headset bought, seated and running 3 gears at the back - Free hub obviously, Maggie's front and rear, Azonic bars and Kore stem (Old School but it's very neat). We'll I bought this bike about 8 years ago and it was TOP SPEC, it's about below bottom spec now!!

So I have decided that I will be treating myself to a brand new 26" in the next month. I will probably be importing one from Tarty Bikes but need ALOT of info!I have spent about 2 weeks getting up to scratch about the "new" developments in Trials (A lot has changed in 6 Years!!)

I'm hoping all the Trials experts here can give me some much needed advice for my new Trials bike (Try and keep lingo to a minimum as I am only starting to familiarize myslef with all the new names - Grew up with Brisa's etc, see there are still some Pashley's around)

I'm not sure if this topic is the right place to post all my new bike questions? I've got quite a few questions and have read just about everything on this Forum, but need some more info...


Cheers and thank's guys!

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Hey im mathew, but everyone calls me gonzo lol (because my surname is gonzalez) might be thinkin of joinin trials bikin but not sure, just wunderin if anyone has got a bike for sale perfect for a biginer, im up for anything to be honest so let me know :) email me gonzo_gg@hotmail.co.uk

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  timcaprenter09 said:
Hi Im Tim and i've been riding for about a week now,

I ride my brothers old bike which is a Monty 221pr but its pretty good

I ride around Wigmore and Hempstead :D

Do I know you, i Craig Walker, i go howard school, know me?

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I am Matt (Also known as Guesty) B) I'am 19 years old from Rossendale and live close to Lee mill quarry. I took up trials about 3 years ago on an Onza T-Mag but had to sell up due to being a skint student. I'am now currently employed by united utilities as a apprentice under ground cable Jointer and have been for just over 1 year. I don't currently have a fully built bike but hope to at the end of this week/week after. I have to say I'am not very good on a bike as yet :$ but hopefully after a bit of well spent time i will get the hang of it. I am having a 26" koxx level boss frame built for me at Aire Valley cycles and all the parts are form tarty bikes (By reading through some of the threads sounds a great shop for parts and advice). I stumbled across your forum looking for ideas and parts for the bike which i found very helpful as the site is set up with some great rules so the no stupid threads. Also i am just wondering how many people are local to me?


Matt (Guesty) :D

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Hi, I'm Stu, quick apology to the mods first, Sorry for the email just found out why I can't post anywhere else. A bit slow due to my age (40 I know, I'm having a mid life crisis) Currently a road rider and do a bit of racing, training at the moment for a Lands end to John o Groats ride next year also do a little bit of mountain biking. Love watching the street trials guys and decided I should give it a go. Hopefully my kids might give it a go too. Don't have a bike yet but have been looking through the classifieds and the other topics trying to find a good buy and also to try to make sure I get the right bike for what I'm after. Still a little confused with the terminology. Would like to know if there are any riders in the Grimsby/Cleethorpes area as I suspect I will need lots of tips and bandages. Don't want to spend too much, £150 tops (be quite difficult to justify with the wife, currently own 3 racers and a mountain bike, hence the kids too angle) Thanks in advance for any help and tips.

Cheers, Stu.

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Hi Guys,

I'm Guus Bouwmans wich is most likely a wierd name for you guys in England. That's because I'm Dutch.

I'm 16,I ride a blue Onza ICE and have a small sponsorship with a Dutch biketrialshop. I like virtually any kind of riding, would that be super smooth natty,or hardcore street, I both love it. My apollogies in advance, because my English is not the best in the world. ha ha. I will keep you guys posted with some vid's of Rick Koekoek, and other dutch riders, aswell as some vid's and pix of the European championships etc. etc.


Guus or call me Gus or whatever ;)

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