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Rob Brodie

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hey guys,

i expect everyone who has had a dengura has had it brake or leak on them; so heres why...

right so most people have had a problem with denguras and it all seems to be in the lever where the problem is, well me and andy ball have found out why that is.

andy had a problem with the dengura a short while after purchasing it and his problem was also in the lever.

so we pulled it off his bike and completely striped it.

we pulled out the lever, tpa ect and then pulled out the bit that the tpa sits in (i cant remember what this is called so il call it the piston :( )

after giving it a quick inspection we realized that there was a fair few little strips of metal resting on the rubber seal of the piston. we didnt have a clue what it could be when we discovered that infact it was small strips of cnc from where the chamber thingy hadn't been cleaned out properly.

we took a quick look at the chamber and realised that the cnc strips on the rubber bung had been digging groves in the chamber causing water to leak from the lever.

so we came to the conclusion that if you strip the dengura lever before even pulling the lever once and clean it all out it will work soooooouuunnnnddddd

but the slaves work fine didn't have a single problem with them there good stuff (Y)

id thought id let you guys know as alot of you are obviously peved about them

take it easy


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Not really any help to the Dengura users now is it... :P

I had a look inside my mates Dengura lever body earlier, but it all looked ok inside?

He's resorted to a HS11 lever, and Dengura cylinders... Works alright...

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