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Dengs And Magura

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My deng was fine for about 8 months until i needed money and went back to a standard maggie, It's weird to go back but i like it :)

If you can afford it and like deng levers, need some pimp appeal etc... Get one and don't go near it with a syringe and water.


EDIT: They leak when bled with water as it is alot thinner than oil, and they are made to be bled with oil and there are very small spaces between seals/ parts, so the water can get through these gaps whereas oil wouldn't. I think.

Edited by Skoze
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My deng was fine for about 8 months until i needed money and went back to a standard maggie, It's weird to go back but i like it :)

If you can afford it and like deng levers, need some pimp appeal etc... Get one and don't go near it with a syringe and water.


EDIT: They leak when bled with water as it is alot thinner than oil, and they are made to be bled with oil and there are very small spaces between seals/ parts, so the water can get through these gaps whereas oil wouldn't. I think.

oh thanks for that matt great help so do you bleed with oil with a bleedd kit man ?

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2004 Magura's are god's gift. Since they changed the design in 2005. And i brought a set. I cracked and snapped both levers so thought they were faulty, Got another set and popped the rear brake, now find out there literally impossiable to get a decent bleed. So sold them and went back to 2004 Maggy's. I'd never run anything else.


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I never had any issues with my (newer style) '05 Maguras

I ran them for a year or so, with a water bleed about halfway through that, and they never gave me any issues.

I then sold one of the to the village idiot, who managed to break it within 48 hours, so I put it down to user error

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I never had any issues with my (newer style) '05 Maguras

I ran them for a year or so, with a water bleed about halfway through that, and they never gave me any issues.

I then sold one of the to the village idiot, who managed to break it within 48 hours, so I put it down to user error

i got given one complete 04 race line magura and a front 04 without a bleed or pads but it's got a snapped lever blade (N)(N)(N)

should i get an 05 maggie lever?

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