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Dan - slick-trix.4t.com

Dan - slicktrixtrials.tk

Dan Clark

Bill Cosby

Dale Gribble

Anyone who's ever visited my original site when it was up gets 15 scene points.

Mark Jenny (is what he prefers to be called now) gets 30 because I believe he once said he had it bookmarked.

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Dan - slick-trix.4t.com

Dan - slicktrixtrials.tk

Dan Clark

Bill Cosby

Dale Gribble

Anyone who's ever visited my original site when it was up gets 15 scene points.

Mark gets 30 because I believe he once said he had it bookmarked.

Ohhh!! thats what happened to bill cosby!

Sure did. Good times...

Change it back, its not right :(

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Dan - slick-trix.4t.com

Dan - slicktrixtrials.tk

Dan Clark

Bill Cosby

Dale Gribble

Anyone who's ever visited my original site when it was up gets 15 scene points.

Mark gets 30 because I believe he once said he had it bookmarked.

I might have been there. It was a while back, honestly can't remember.

samdoman...Sam Doman (Y)

So that's your real name? I always prenounced it as one word.

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  • 1 month later...

used to be tom132 not Tom_

Ermm avatar was originally a guy dressed in cardboard boxes advertising free robot sex, then it was some pacman thingys, and now its a burning guy. Wana change it again but cba...

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