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Whoooooo Are You?!


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I was krisboats, now i'm Krisboats.... don't ever remember changing it though. Don't think i ever can either.

I love how theres 5 pages of google results for my name though :lol: Too much time on a computer i guess.

It also means i get to see how famous i am ^_^


Both me and endohopper make an appearance on this strangely built page.


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Both me and endohopper make an appearance on this strangely built page.


:blink: Ummm , strangeness indeed . The hidden dangers of recently awarded seniority ? And on topic : Always been Endohopper and do not intend to change , despite having never really mastered the eponymous move .

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i have to admit if i was mods or admin, or even seniors, id probably start swapping my name with another senior, mod or admin, just to see who gets confused.

There's another forum that I go where you can just change your name freely (as often as you like). So people change name all the time, it gets well confusing. Not in a good way, just in an annoying way :P

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Dan - slick-trix.4t.com

Dan - slicktrixtrials.tk

Dan Clark

Bill Cosby

Dale Gribble

Anyone who's ever visited my original site when it was up gets 15 scene points.

Mark gets 30 because I believe he once said he had it bookmarked.

Sure did. Good times...

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