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Shall We Split Classifieds Into For Sale And Wanted Subforums?



132 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Classifieds forum be split into seperate For Sale and Wanted subforums?

    • yes
    • no

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Its been suggested in the TF ideas thread.

Arguments for: the forums fast moving so a topic might be on page 4 within 24 hours of it being posted

Arguments against: (cheers anzo :P) I don't think people will ever look in the Wanted section. They both cancel each other out...if people want to sell it they'll put a topic up. I dont think people will look through pages of threads to find a wanted advert for something they have.

The poll will decide, so if it does indeed get split into 2 subcategories anyone caught winging about the change will be subscribed to every forum on TF, meaning an email gets sent to you every time someone makes a reply to any topic - that seems a suitable punishment :P

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I voted no. Simply because I don't think people will ever look in the Wanted section. They both cancel each other out...if people want to sell it they'll put a topic up. I dont think people will look through pages of threads to find a wanted advert for something they have.

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I voted no. Simply because I don't think people will ever look in the Wanted section. They both cancel each other out...if people want to sell it they'll put a topic up. I dont think people will look through pages of threads to find a wanted advert for something they have.

You managed to explain that a lot better than I did!

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I think, Split topics would be better, If i had a load of parts i could just go thought the wanted toopic and reply with what i have got, Because alot of people dont look at clear out topics :D i have replyed to quite a few lately

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Surely they wont look even if its both in same section either way?

If someone is serious about selling they will look through wanted to see if they can locate any buyers, their loss if they don't.

Think it's a good idea personally.

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Surely they wont look even if its both in same section either way?

If someone is serious about selling they will look through wanted to see if they can locate any buyers, their loss if they don't.

Think it's a good idea personally.

What if they're not actually wanting to sell it, they just think 'ah yeah, I got one of them which I don't need'?

Doesn't bother me either way (apart from having to move a few thousand topics :P).

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I recon it should be trialed for a month to see if it works. Abit sceptical about it though, as other people have said, it kind of does cancel itself out if you think about it. Its like if people want something they will ask, and if you have it you just reply to that. I really cant seem to explain it well though. Inur expalined it for me lol

Edited by Si-man
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just do it, oh my god, if people dont like it they can f**k off and not read it/sell there shit somewhere else.

Last time I split a forum into subforums I had a whole world of hassle (Splitting sites/pics and vids into the media forums). So excuse me if this time I'd prefer to clear it with members first..

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Thing is, it makes perfect sense, even the sites/videos/picture split made perfect sense. People just don't like change, but screw them, it works out better for them so they'd be stupid to moan. :lol:

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No offence, but it sounds like abit of a silly idea from my point of view, i personally wouldn't browse thorugh the wanted section to see if any one had something i had, might have been a better idea to start a Poll asking if any one has any problems with the way classifieds is now? If it ain't broke, then don't fix it :)

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personally no, I think it would be a lot easier if people used correct titles. There could be a box that you have to tick before you post. either saying, WTD, FORSALE, OFF TOPIC. EBAY. would make it a bit easier


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I know the OCUK forum has seperate for sale and wanted sections. Its so much easier, you look through all the things for sale and for some reason you just peruse the wanted sections not really expecting to see anything when BAM! a topic title stands out, you have a look at the thread and realise an old part you've got lying around doing nothing is just what someone is after. Easy way to clear space and make some extra pennies.

It also leads to better topic titles and less overall confusion.

Its a positive vote from me for a section split (Y).

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oh my god krisboats when did you turn senior member? Was it because you turned 21 LOL

I think the forum should be setted as a ebay style of listing. If you get what i mean.

I brought that up a few months ago but to be fair on the admin it would be quite a lot of work for them.

I think its a great idea. I've got a load of stuff I'd like to sell and i've actually been using the search function to find people after certain things i've been trying to sell. I've sold a few bits and bobs by doing this.

I say go for it.

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Just do it, here are so many active topics in there now that even if you bump it once a day, it falls off the first page in a few hours.

That's a point... We should ban bumps and 'Good luck selling it mate (Y) ' posts used just to keep it on the front page. If we see any, mods & admins should delete them, questions made via PM, and any additional info added to the listing with edit.


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Bad. They literally do just fly off the front page, so I think keeping the "Once every 24hrs" thing is a good idea for bumps, but that's it. People's friends randomly putting the whole "gud luk m8" posts can be deleted, but people should still be allowed to bump stuff...

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