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Old People


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Hi, all

One day last week i was side hopping some benches, minding my own business when about ten old ladies started shouting at me. It put me off and i was embarresd because they were making a scene. Now i wasnt anywhere near the ladies so i was'nt scaring them or putting my self in the way to hurt them. If i was then i would of understand the need to shout at me. Any way i got off the bench and waited for them to leave, well they didnt go, they all sat on the benches so i could'nt ride them.

Well let me tell you i was not happy. Ten minutes late a PCSO or a community support office walked past and i thought here we go. Any he didnt do anything but what i wanted to know why are old people against us riding and having fun on are bikes.

Now i dont know if any of you have the smae problem but i would love to hear what you al ahve to say about this and how we can ride without being stopped by police, security or anyone else for that matter.


Andrew :)

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Tis because old people have nothing better to do.. Nah only joking.. I get that alot, they always look at me funny. Although, you do get the occasional person who takes an intrest, therefore I show an intrest back. I think its because they thought you were vandalising the bench or something..

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Yea, I get that Alot Nicks When you dont come out, Theres Loads of them Coming home from there Clubs and they go past my Faveriote Spot and Just moan (N) And it dont make me feel very good, Like alot of people come up with there kids and say that was amazing do that again and there kids are like wow with a really smiley face :) and that makes me feel good :D Nice post

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Its because they brand you as another threatening "hoody" hanging around. If you think from their point of view, it's proberly fairly intimidating to them having some kid making loads of noise with his brakes on a push bike. Either that or they did actually want to sit down on those benches.

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You need to be a little careful around the over 70's, they tend to react with fright when they see you leap from heights or when you're balancing on a fine point. Some of them let out muted screams as if they think you might break something. They also tend to put a hand to their mouth or grab their chest. Now this is what worries me, could you actually cause these folk to have a minor stroke or heart attack from the clearly stressful event?! Accident waiting to happen.

The 60-70 group are still mostly compos-mentis and a little more spritely. They tend to be impressed.

My grandad is 86 this year and he loves it! I think he secretly wishes he still had the legs for it.

There's always going to be folk who think you are scruffy little buggers without a job and nothing better to do than break public street furniture but thats life i guess. Most elderly people just want a bit of peace and quiet in retirement!

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I generally don't think people in todays society are ready to accept things with fresh eyes. With so much media on stereotypical youths causing trouble people seem to be stuck in the mindset that because we're doing something different, it must automatically be bad. Maybe its closer to the idea that people fear the things they don't understand, but regardless of the reasons as to why, society just isn't ready to accept something new and completely different to anything they've seen before. It might be impressive talent-wise and that might be something a select few can appreciate, but on the whole we won't be seen in a different light anytime soon, because people lead their own little lives, stuck in routine, and they can't physically see something without prejudice against it because they've been programmed into a way of thinking thats hard to break free of.

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I posted on this thread earlier then went riding. Funnily enough an elderly chap approached me, must have been 70ish, and engaged me in conversation. He was really impressed and was keen to chat. He also started asking me about freewheels and fixed bikes and manufacturers. Now i don't know if this guy was involved somehow with bikes earlier in life but he was a thoroughly nice guy who was genuinely interested. This is not going in any particular direction but just to say that in my experience so far anyone from any age group will either leave you to it or get interested as long as you don't break what they want to sit on or collide with them. Old folk are great.

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i used to ride my bmx to school everyday, and on average about twice a week i get shouted at by old people for riding on the pavement. a couple of times they felt the need to stand in the middle of the path with their arms out to prevent me from riding past them,(i just went on the road and got back on the pavement after, but this one time this guy who was about 80 odd with a stick, and as i rode past me he started shouting and grumbling, then tried to hit me over with his stick, f**king agressive old person, i thought it was more funny than anything, but i don't understand why he'd do that. some of them are just insane, others are fine, i get on with a few old folks around my area,

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we were riding just outside the local memorial on some slabs of conrete and this crazy old man started to get real angry at us. we just ended up ridng somewere els. Fair enough i guess though, as in there eyes were just a bunch of "bmxers" that are always up to no good and have no respect for others or property :(

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we were riding just outside the local memorial on some slabs of conrete and this crazy old man started to get real angry at us. we just ended up ridng somewere els. Fair enough i guess though, as in there eyes were just a bunch of "bmxers" that are always up to no good and have no respect for others or property :(

I think it would be more you riding very close to a memorial, showing a lack of respect for it that caused him to get angry. Maybe it means alot to him?

All i can say is think where you ride etc.. and have some respect for stuff.

If o.a.p's go nuts for no reason, just let it go and avoid the business end of their walking sticks/ mobility scooters :P

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I think it would be more you riding very close to a memorial, showing a lack of respect for it that caused him to get angry. Maybe it means alot to him?

All i can say is think where you ride etc.. and have some respect for stuff.

If o.a.p's go nuts for no reason, just let it go and avoid the business end of their walking sticks/ mobility scooters :P

When i was out with my mate we were doing some jumping like off stairs at the beach, this guy walks up he stops about 7 yards away and has a go at me for trying to run him over, for god sake is was 7 yards away from the old twat, there are the odd one or two who will admire skill and have a chat though there not all bad

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I generally don't think people in todays society are ready to accept things with fresh eyes. With so much media on stereotypical youths causing trouble people seem to be stuck in the mindset that because we're doing something different, it must automatically be bad. Maybe its closer to the idea that people fear the things they don't understand, but regardless of the reasons as to why, society just isn't ready to accept something new and completely different to anything they've seen before. It might be impressive talent-wise and that might be something a select few can appreciate, but on the whole we won't be seen in a different light anytime soon, because people lead their own little lives, stuck in routine, and they can't physically see something without prejudice against it because they've been programmed into a way of thinking thats hard to break free of.

^^^I can't see why it took so long for you to become senior (Y)

Old people are no worse than any one else that has a go about riding on Public things, i'd be pretty pissed of if i wanted to sit down and some one was riding a bike and potentially breaking it.

If a bench or anything else is broken from people riding on it, then other people shit out.

If you get told to move on, Do it, whats the point in arguing ?

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