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Bacup, Lancashire

Ben John-Hynes

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Today in the newspaper,

i read that a gang of youths attacked a man and his girlfriend for being dressed like Goths.

They kicked and stamped on their heads,

killing the girl and seriously injuring the bloke!

BBC News Story

Would this put you off going to the trials park in Bacup, Lancashire?


Edited by Benjaminge
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It would for the simple fact that those 5 kids will probly get away with a slap on the wrist and be back out and doing the same thing to other people.

They wont learn anything from that experience, except that they can get away with it because this country is too damn soft.

Makes me sick.

People like that need conciquencial Punishment, ie they each should have the shit kicked out of them by 5 people and not be able to defend themselves.

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It doesn't put me off in the slightest. This kind of story is on the news almost every day. Today Bacup, tomorrow somewhere else and so on. Reading this story makes me very angry and i feel sorry for the people and parents involved in the attack. The attackers should be severely punished but not to death as i think they should live in shame for what they have done but tools like these little scrotes never learn. Hands and feet cut of sounds ample. Maybe even brand the little bastards fore heads with white hot irons so every one knows what they have done.

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Godamn ... killing a fellow human for daring to express individuality - yup my faith in humans is steadily declining . I work in a prison , and see average looking people daily who ruin another's and thus their own life and they explain it to me in terms of " frustration , envy " etc .

Guess what , pal ? That's called being human and these situations offer us an opportunity to constructively solve problems and learn about our poorly evolved species . The f**kers described in that shocking article are welcome to visit our " D " wing , that'll have 'em crying for mommy .

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Godamn ... killing a fellow human for daring to express individuality - yup my faith in humans is steadily declining . I work in a prison , and see average looking people daily who ruin another's and thus their own life and they explain it to me in terms of " frustration , envy " etc .

Guess what , pal ? That's called being human and these situations offer us an opportunity to constructively solve problems and learn about our poorly evolved species . The f**kers described in that shocking article are welcome to visit our " D " wing , that'll have 'em crying for mommy .

More the opposite

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Some parts of bacup and surrounding areas are pritty ruff from what i believe but the quarry isnt far off centre in a rea thats ok so there shouldnt be much trouble at all. and i dont think anyone thats rode there before has ever had trouble of chavs going up. The road up there is fairly steep, and pritty long to just go on a random trek up for a chav. And anyone camping there i doubt will be camping by them selfs so will be ok.

Sorry to hear about the girl.

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just take tools including a BIG adjustable spanner and a hammer and just stay in fairly big groups of people and if some chav gets lippy just SMACK THEM HARD WITH YOUR FAVOUROUT TOOL (Y);)

Then youll be the one going to jail for murder and it will be you we are talking about not that chavs.

I find it funny when people say stuff like that, as it might seem a good response but in real life your not going to wack one of them with it are you, under a certain circumstance you might but not most.

More the opposite

How you work that out, when she was dressing like as most people would say was opposite to whats considered the norm.

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Then youll be the one going to jail for murder and it will be you we are talking about not that chavs.

I find it funny when people say stuff like that, as it might seem a good response but in real life your not going to wack one of them with it are you, under a certain circumstance you might but not most.

true (Y)

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i figure that either the park will be empty, with it being cold and wet, or really busy, with it being good weather and organised rides

i dont imagine anyone will be going there on their own, judging by how remote it is.

What i'm getting at is, if chavs go there, either there'll be no-one to be a jackass at, or there'll be an army of trials riders to defend any one person they pick on

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No, it wouldn't.

And, as harsh as it sounds, that sort of thing happens all the time all over the country - not just in Bacup, Lancashire - however this person was unlucky enough to have been pushed too far. It's sick, to be honest... <_<



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these things happen all the time around bacup area.

i live about 20 mins from there

people like this really have no reason to walk all the way up a track into a quarry.

infact they arnt really aware the countryside exsists.

they love bus stops and ragging corsas round lidl carpark.

not quarrys.

its FINE !


Edited by IOLO
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