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Whats The Beef With Other Bikers?

Matty M

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All of the riders up near me (trials riders) all get on really well and everything but when me meet see Dirt jumpers/DH riders etc they all act like absolute wankers. They all think that trials isnt a proper sport?

Does anyone else get this from different kinds of riders? cheers.


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I enjoy watching my house mate (who's actually good at bmx) sucking a fat one when he tries to ride my trials bike. People don't appreciate how hard trials is, not denying other disciplines as they are hard too, but people really dont see it.

I've never had much hassle, but I know where you're coming from.

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Unless you're really good though, even me as a trials rider thinks that the general 'look' of trials is a bit gay. That's not meant as a cocky insult either i genuinly cringe when i think how i looked as a trials rider back in the day lol.

All that hopping about which is the control of the sport, now shows itself to me as a lack of control. It just doesn't look cool like bmx!

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The funniest thing is when "chavs" watch you then they wheelie off on their stolen bike, or if some one rides past they will wheelie or do something...... lol just to say yeah i can do something :D

but no most people are like :o wish i could do that!! :D

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Same thing happened with me and Tom at the weekend, was riding on the skatepark near his house, and some little kid came wheelie-ing(?) past and when he landed just looked straight at us.

Sort of the same when your walking somewhere and someone drives past with a big exhaust on his Corsa, and then looks at you like you're supposed to be so impressed with his bag-a-shit.

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I've got quite a few mates who I ride mountain bikes with, who are mostly DJ or DHers and they always go on about how trials looks really daft. I can kind of see their point though.

When the world champs was at Fort Bill this year, there was XC, DH, 4x and trials. The XC, DH and 4x were genuinely exciting to watch - both for joe public and anyone into mountain biking. Whereas if you watched the trials, you'd see some guy (probably in a lycra skin suit) hopping on the back wheel for about ten seconds before jumping up a pile of palettes or something. It looked pretty boring and pointless - As evidenced by the amount of TV coverage it got on the BBC. 20 seconds in a 2 hour program?

When the public only sees this side of things, it's hardly surprising that trials looks a bit... dull. On the other hand, you only have to see the amount of views for that Danny Mac video on Youtube (over 1 million last time I looked) to see that trials can be really good to watch.

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Depends how good you are i suppose! I mean if your hopping up a cerb don't expect any credit for not having a seat, but i think if your doing things that really require some steel then you will get max respect. But i think its the same for all disiples.. i mean who here has respect for roadies? I don't at all but sure theres more to it than just riding? And dirt jumping just hitting something as fast as you can and using the front preload.... pah! Same for trials, if i see someone doing a massive tabletop 360 ill have mass respect......

I hope you understand my point, for trials to be really seen in the right light it needs to be someone going massive and being uber techy, but not slow compy and boring

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I get on well with all other riders.

I spose it's different on our small island, as we all seem to know each other and all joke around about which discipline is ''cool'' etc.

Fact is one the Isle of Wight all bmx/dh/dirt/park/trials riders band together to hate skating boarders and in-liners.

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Don't really get to much gyp from other bikers, got shouted at by a roadie once 'not exactly lance armstrong' was his very odd abuse. Sometimes the occasional bmxer as well, but most just either say hi and carry on or ignore us.

  BONGO said:
Unless you're really good though, even me as a trials rider thinks that the general 'look' of trials is a bit gay. That's not meant as a cocky insult either i genuinly cringe when i think how i looked as a trials rider back in the day lol.

All that hopping about which is the control of the sport, now shows itself to me as a lack of control. It just doesn't look cool like bmx!

Thats it for me. I watch people ride and they do amazing stuff on bike, but it just looks so uncontrolled! Akrigg's section on Earthed 3 is my favorite trials video ever, its just looks smooth, controlled and flowy, while still being tech. I think I generally like watching trials riders that ride something else too. I think it influences their riding and just brings something different to the plate.

When I go riding with Lewis I am always amazed, he goes so big but always looks control and hardly ever does an unnecessary hop!

  Tomm said:
When the public only sees this side of things, it's hardly surprising that trials looks a bit... dull. On the other hand, you only have to see the amount of views for that Danny Mac video on Youtube (over 1 million last time I looked) to see that trials can be really good to watch.

2,328,820 :)

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I work in a bike shop. And have to work with 5 people who ride dirt/freeride and downhill. They think i should just mainly ride d.h but i enjoy me trials. But its stupid what they all spend on there bikes like £400 for a set of hope v2s.

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  Andeee said:
I work in a bike shop. And have to work with 5 people who ride dirt/freeride and downhill. They think i should just mainly ride d.h but i enjoy me trials. But its stupid what they all spend on there bikes like £400 for a set of hope v2s.

Yeah, much like us spending £333 on a rear hub, how stupid.

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i really hate the way bmx'ers and skaters are twats to us. Really really offensive and petty (N)

whilst riding a single block, had one cocky bmxer just ride straight towards me (i didn't move, i was trackstanding) try and grind and completly fall off and start ranting at me... Had absolutly no idea why he thought he could have a go

Downhillers tend to be friendly just talk shit hahaha but nice guys (Y)

Dirt jumpers seem pretty damn sound and down to earth

but yeah just bmxer's and skaters

But you get the opposites for all of them, some bmxers are sound as hell

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  BONGO said:
Unless you're really good though, even me as a trials rider thinks that the general 'look' of trials is a bit gay. That's not meant as a cocky insult either i genuinly cringe when i think how i looked as a trials rider back in the day lol.

All that hopping about which is the control of the sport, now shows itself to me as a lack of control. It just doesn't look cool like bmx!

usualy if your hopping about, it shows a lack pf control riding trials.

maybe you used to hop too much?? :giggle:

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  PaRtZ said:
i really hate the way bmx'ers and skaters are twats to us.

It's becasue they (We*) have often only ever encountered trials riders when they have been totally ignoring sketaprk etiquéte and riding across trails, jumping up the sides of boxes and off boxes and getting totally in the way. The key is that there is a massive amount of people who ride trials but are trials riders, you know them turd skill free mongs who can hop a bit. Well they are the ones bmxers meet usually and it then turns into bmxers thinking that trials is wank and trials riders all get in the way.

I know some really really good trials riders who i've seen in skateparks and purely through not knowing rather than any ignorance, have caused major troubles for bmxers by riding across them and getting right in the way at the wrong time.

You don't have much time for people who get in the way if they don't impress.

On the flip side, i've had times where trials riders have stopped a skatepark becasu of what they were doing. When it's impressive, it doesn't matter who you are, you don't mind stopping and watching...

Example:- I rode an opening demo at Skegness skatepark on 22nd April 2006 (my birthday :P). Ben Slinger and Chris from preston were there too with the onza rig. Ben did some mental gap in the park and the whole place stpped to watch. BMXers came away from there saying WTF that was crazy, guarenteed, they'll respect trials riders in the future.


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Never had any problems, I prefere watching BMX videos to trials ones generally and think BMX is much radder with a better image.

And lets face it, there are plentyof twats in the trials world just are there are twats in the BMX/skate/jump etc world.

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You get what you give. If you rock up to a riding spot thinking you're different because you ride trials, you'll get attitude.

If you smile at people, chat, ask questions and join in, no matter what discipline, you'll make friends.

It is what you make it...

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  Peperami said:
You get what you give. If you rock up to a riding spot thinking you're different because you ride trials, you'll get attitude.

If you smile at people, chat, ask questions and join in, no matter what discipline, you'll make friends.

It is what you make it...


If you don't give people a reason to like you, they might not (shock horror), but similarly if you don't give reasons to dislike you, act friendly, don't get in the way and make a nuisance of yourself then you can normally get on with most riders/skaters. At the end of the day we're all doing non-mainstream, and to some extent relatively small extreme sports, so we're all in a pretty similar looking water-going mode of transport.

I regularly run into BMXers, skaters etc while I'm out and about, and haven't ever had any real problems

Yeah, if an individual is already in the mindset of idiotdom, it's not so great, but if you make a bit of effort yourself, it's more often than not reciprocated

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As a BMXer who used to ride trials i agree with everything Bongo has said to be honest. Sure i respect trials but that's because i know it, but if we look at say Phil Feeneys bike posted recently that looks SICK and has some real style and just has a pretty cool image. Whereas riding a little mod with no seat and about 20 'bling' colours all over it, it looks wierd and different and all that, but pretty stupid at the same time.

And then theres things like helmets etc, now i'm not saying i lose any respect for a rider wearing a helmet, sometimes i almsot gain respect from them even, but it's still an example of the non-cool image trials has and some people do think you look like a gimp wearing one and take that into account.

Trials is also alot more static and with most trials riders looks alot less ballsy so people kinda lose respect.

But most of all it's probably the fact that you've encountered some twats. None of the BMXers/Dirt Jumpers/Down Hillers/Skateboarders i ride with and am mates with would ever really look down on someone like that.

  judders said:
Don't really get to much gyp from other bikers, got shouted at by a roadie once 'not exactly lance armstrong' was his very odd abuse. Sometimes the occasional bmxer as well, but most just either say hi and carry on or ignore us.

I got a similair thing one time from a roadie when i was on my bmx. He steamed past me up a hilll and laughing at me and said something cocky haha, with a smile on his face though to be fair. Needless to say we reached the top of the hill, i hopped a few obstacles, dodged a few close cars, went dodgily though some traffic lights and left him in the dust :P

EDIT: Just seen Peperamis point aswell and thought 'why didn't i say that' haha. I've seen Mountainbikers come to a skatepark full of BMXers and just ride at the other end and not talk to anyone like their special. Not because there dicks just because they feel different in some way due to the different bike. You need to just forget about it and get chatting. Also going to a skatepark etc where your bike doesn't stricly belong (;)) you really need to be careful and make sure you know what you're doing and your using the park well.

Edited by Max Quinn
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  Max Quinn said:
I got a similair thing one time from a roadie when i was on my bmx. He steamed past me up a hilll and laughing at me and said something cocky haha, with a smile on his face though to be fair. Needless to say we reached the top of the hill, i hopped a few obstacles, dodged a few close cars, went dodgily though some traffic lights and left him in the dust :P

I once overtook a roadie on a flat piece of road on my BMX last summer. To be honest I'm pretty sure he was f**king FUMING when it happened as he had full roadie gear on, spds, lycra, the lot, and I had my dickies work trousers on and a set of Nike SBs, and just criused on past, then stayed ahead.

Good times!

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over here most mtbers think trials is cool and wanna learn some basics for their riding.

bmxers i ride with think trials is awesome and love having a go on my bike. they find it fascinating the same way i can spend hours riding my mate's brakeless freecoaster bmx on flat ground... it's just different things.

bmx is cooler though.

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  El Cristoff said:
the BMX'ers hated me because i could ride my trials better than they could ride there bmx. Tyre taps to 1 foot cans for the win.

Maybe they hate you because you're doing that trick...

Or the fact that it's awful to watch a trials rider trying to ride ramps on a trials bike. They're probably cringeing and thinking "if only he could see himself"

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