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Did I Do The Right Thing?

The Stig

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Reeet guys just as a quick lets say almost a (disclaimer) I do not even think in the slightest that i know everything about a car and all my theories are speculations.

Went for a drive with my sister to get a subway late last night with her friend and everything was dandy until the home stretch home, we broke down about 10-12 miles away. The engine was revving stupidly high and trying to cut out and when changing gear the revs stayed the same unless down a gear (not good for the engine right?). I told my sister to pull over immediatly and waste no time turning the engine off and putting the handbrake on, by this time we had noticed the car was fooking hot (by the thermostat) and that no hot air is coming from the engine only cold. Right popped the hood had a lil look around and check the silly things like water levels (like i sidehop not a mechanic) The car did not seem extremely hot, tried to start it but this time it seemed like there were no revs, the starter motor was working fine. Anyway took me two times to bump it (with her friend in the car) Got home safely and when we got there the engine just smoked like a fanny.

It is an old Kia pride so DW too much.

My thoughts are the accelerator cable is stuck on but no amount of pump on the throttle fixed it.

The gear change was fine (i changed gear for her) She said the accelerator was hard to press and loosened up every now and then.

Anybodys thoughts? Sorry for mistakes just woken up :D


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Sounds like a problem with the throttle system mate. No matter what any of the following posts will say, its impossible to diagnose it without taking it to a garage and taking the throttle body apart.

Could be either gunk in the throttle body (which would cause it to stick open), the throttle cable/ drive by wire system, the accelerator pedal itself, or one of the throttle sensors.

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Sounds like a problem with the throttle system mate. No matter what any of the following posts will say, its impossible to diagnose it without taking it to a garage and taking the throttle body apart.

Could be either gunk in the throttle body (which would cause it to stick open), the throttle cable/ drive by wire system, the accelerator pedal itself, or one of the throttle sensors.

See thats what i thought :D See i am awesome :Plol jk's but yeh cheers (Y) i think she is getting a new car so meh!! :D

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1) you have the most ironicly named car in the world.

2) NWood you f**king hero

3) Its a pretty vauge description of events, and its allmost impossible to diagnose a car without seeing/hearing it.

Revs hanging up could be a number of things:

Idle Speed Control Valve sticking

Air Leak


When you say the car seemed extreemly hot by the thermostat, are you refering to the temp gauge on the dash?

If the temp gauge is reading high and the engine is cold (you say it was only cold air, do you mean from the vents or generally the air in the engine bay?) The temp sender could be knackered, if your car is new chances are the temp gauge is reading what the PCM is seeing, and the engine is getting to hot at the point of the sender unit and the engine is going into LOS the stop it from overheating and casuing damage to itself. If it isnt a relitivly new can then that wont be the case. You could have a cooling system blockage, which is causing localised boiling of the coolant.

Could even be that the head gasket has failed and the engine is running on its own oil, Effect os this are alot worse on a diesel car.

The Smoking Would also be an indication of this. Start the car with the Coolant bottle cap off, then rev the engine, if coolant comes spraying out then its definatly the Head Gasket. If it doesnt that doesnt mean it isnt, that just 1 simple at home check for you.

Also check for any oil in the coolant and vice versa.

Not really much else to sugest without seeing the car.

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