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Can I Please...


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get a 3 month ban...

I need a break from this place, and AFAIK, this place is like crack, I don't come here for the trials, I come here for the people, if the people give a f**k about me, I alll ready have them on MSN...

As much as I like this place, and as much as I like crack cocaine, goodbye...

Edited by Haz
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But since I'm here, it's been a damn good 4 and half years, I have moved through trials to the point where I can ride without needing to prove myself, given up trying to prove myself, yet still loving the community, which is why I live in Chit Chat.

Yet seeing the 'demise'* of the community I love, maybe that's just Trials-Forum, maybe that's OTN and all the other trials websites as well, that's why I don't see the videos and maybe even the senior members on this site I once looked up to the point I would leave a messege on trials-kings and Section7 about "toxicity", the video which pretty much revolutionised my riding, showed me that it was all just a laugh, and that anything could happen.

I'm all for a laugh going out and having a good time. But Chit Chat here was an escape from the bollocks which is the real internet, the superforums such as Off Topic, Something Awful, and of course the ever popular chans... I like that, but with lobster dog here there and everywhere, it's getting tiring. I like 'The Happy Thread' and 'The Angry Thread', a place to post your minor if yet significant (to you) triumphs and annoynaces (respectively). No other Chit Chat forum as far I know has that, but at the moment, no-one really seems to enjoy that, it's just a shit load of people doing what seems, to me, like what ever will get the easiest laugh for the most little work. Unless you are a now (non-existant) Davey, (reformed) PooPipe, (long gone) MrMonkey, (not seen since early 2006) Munki, this place just doesn't ahve the same feel.

Maybe I have replaced the guys who once called me the 14 year old newb. But, I won't lie. Those guys were right. What happens on this forum since I was here, hasn't happened the same in the recent, I'd say six months or so. Not to disrespect tomturd, Danny, or any of the moderators that have made this forum such a joy and given me the possibility that I could log on every day and enjoy a decent, friendly chat, without the need for a load of what frankley seems like shit, from a certain few posters (including myself, at times, if only to lighten the inevitability of some topics).

I don't know, perhaps I just need a break, a new bike, and a fresh, less drunken head, to think about shit in the morning...

...but I doubt my decision will have changed...

*'demise': The way I see it, as time passes for the last six months, I have enjoyed being here less and less, but like any drug, I can't stop coming back in the hope one day I will gove it the way I once did.

And whilst I'm here, and drunk, I'd like to challenge anyone, except Danny Kearns to a fight, if they want some...

And if I do go, don't fight with Danny Kearns, he'd box the f**km out of Amir Khan...

I'm not going to lie.

What is the point, who am I kidding, this shit won't make a difference...

And whilst I am here, a message to the 'occult', please quietly, go away, your shit is tiresome and just because I no longer want to be here, doesn't mean the members of the forum who do remain here and have been here a long time, do want to read your tiresome and quite frankly repetitive bullshit.

EDIT: Both posts editted for drunken, and therefore less serious, spelling and grammatical purposes.

Edited by Haz
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Pretty much anyone that has 'Anti-Haz Occult' in their signature, in a futile atempt to over rule all that has made this forum good, the chit chat friendly and plentiful, and make it more LobsterDog oriented.

Since I'm here...

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Night crew stays at large on MSN.

Find me.

I think the 20% warn was a bit of a joke, the warn I got was "Reason, Rule 2 - Spam, Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts. Repeat offenders will be warned. Please refer to the Trials-Forum guidelines to avoid further warnings." All I'm going to say was my last Chit Chat topic brought to attention a lot of gay f**king shit, including my own (perhaps), that I, personally, would like to see gone form chit chat... Thus I don't really think it was spam, I think it was perfectly valid way of showing my displeasement (if that's even a f**king word), at the current nature of the forum through the medium of trolling...

...I'd like to have seen a 50% or maybe even 70% warn, because that's what those f**kers need, to show them that this forum doesn't f**k around and that they just won't be coming back if any more lobster dog or any other boring old hat shit is posted over again in a futile atempt to be original and/or funny. At least send them back to new members, to show being a full member isn't just a right to post lobster dog everywhere you see fit.

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I think the 20% warn was a bit of a joke, the warn I got was "Reason, Rule 2 - Spam, Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts. Repeat offenders will be warned. Please refer to the Trials-Forum guidelines to avoid further warnings."

I dunno what the deal was with everyone else, but when I got home from a gig last night and I saw the happy/angry thread had both increased by two or three pages I was shocked, when I then read through all the lobster dogs, childish arguments, and little private jokes, it was actually pretty annoying. That shit should be kept to MSN, and I can only hope that the people involved got a warning for spamming too.

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I'm down with that.

In the time it took for me to watch Monsters Inc, the place was running riot, gang warfare and all

Lobsterdogs have been and gone, they are not a continuous process (unlilke the killing of slugs and snails through (rather salty) osmosis, or the Oxygen Catastrophe)

Start up lobsterdog-forum.co.uk if you must, but it's TF lifespan is long gone (the odd occasion once in a blue moon may have previously been acceptable, however it's chances now are slim)

Edited by Monkey Boy
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I agree with everything you've said here haz, as a member of the forum for a similar amount of time I can see exactly what you're saying about the "demise". But I think I can attribute that to a selfishness I have that perhaps you have too - trials was our baby back in the day, and I stopped when it stopped being exclusive.

I must say I agree most with this....

that's why I don't see the videos and maybe even the senior members on this site I once looked up to the point I would leave a messege on trials-kings and Section7 about "toxicity",

... because that is a video I still watch...

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I know what you mean and agree. I've thought for a while that the forum's nothing like it used to be, but just assumed i'd grown up and had the same attitude as those older people on here when i first started. Just need to ignore the rubbish for the good stuff.

Even if you get the ban you know you'll still be on here all the time. ;)

Will have to catch you on msn if i can get the bloody thing to work.

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