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Tips For Back Hops


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This might seem a trivial question but having just started trials i was wondering if theres was any secreat to linking lots of back hops together. I can do about 2 the the front end just drops back down

Cheers Dan

Hey Dan,

Firstly, try not to feel stupid asking questions like these...everyone has to start at some point, and almost everyone needs some advice to help them along. So don't worry.

Now getting to your question. Being relatively new to trials (a year or so), I can remember how I learned. Find a box, set of stairs, bench...anything thats about 2 feet high. Get your front wheel up onto the object, try to keep it as straight as possible. You might even need to get your pedal onto the object to keep you balanced the first little bit. Once you're settled, lean back and suck your knees up slightly to hop. Really emphasize moving backwards at first as this flows more naturally and can be corrected once balance isn't an issue.

Once I picked up this learning trick, I went from 1 hop to about 10 in a matter of 2 days. It works wonders. But what the guys above me have posted holds truth as well. It will take practice. Stick to it...there's nothing like the feeling of finally nailing a trials move you've been working on.


EDIT: Once or twice, practice leaning too far back and jumping off to land on your feet. It's a very reassuring feeling to know that you CAN bail out if necessary and not get hurt

Edited by Ezg_Cannuck
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Make sure your arms are bent. A lot of people learning keep their arms straight, so it makes the front end too far in front of them and it'll fall down too easy.

Personally for super controlled tiny movements I'd have my elbows almost at 90 degrees to the bars are pretty close to my chest. Keeping everything close to your centre of gravity (bending your arms helps this a lot) makes things much more balanced :).

But as people have said, practise makes perfect!

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