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What Frame Length?


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What frame length do I need? I do almost ALL urban trials, I'm 6'1'' and I don't like the feel of my current frame (1042mm). Please help


I'm assuming thats a Long KO, Python or something similar, mods don't really get much longer than that i don't think, Older Pythons are 'Aparently' 1070 but how true that is i don't know, Not really sure what to suggest if you don't find 1043 on a mos comfortable other than to try stock maybe ?

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Hang on, all you peeps suggesting 1080/1100, how are you gonna do anything but UCI style trials on that?!

I'd go for something around 1065 with a fairly high front end but built pretty 'trialsy'. Somethign you can bunnyhop pretty easily would be good i'd imagine.

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If its a mod the shorter the better, think the DOB is 990? or Monty?

Something bunnyhop / rollable, and still statiable

Its all personal preference and depends totally on the WAY you ride, not really WHAT you ride on kinda thing, like i love bunnyhops and rolling moves, not such a sidehop, gap drop person! so a really short bike suits me perrrrrfectly

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I'm assuming thats a Long KO, Python or something similar, mods don't really get much longer than that i don't think, Older Pythons are 'Aparently' 1070 but how true that is i don't know, Not really sure what to suggest if you don't find 1043 on a mos comfortable other than to try stock maybe ?

Mines 1065mm. I've never really noticed Geo that much, i went from riding an oldddddd t-mag to a massive Python, I love it now and think anything shorter feels weird.


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Something around 1080 id say. Sorry this is stock yeah?

Yeah, stock bike. And sorry for any confusion...I am talking about wheelbase, not frame length (although they are directly related)

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am riding a stock. It's a very low end (Norco Evolve). It's all I had money for and all I could really get in Canada. I do a lot of urban trials and I know that everyone seems to say you need a short frame for that. But I feel like I'm not getting all the height and length out of jumps because I'm too squished. That's my dilema.


Edited by Ezg_Cannuck
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Simtra... strong enough to handle urban, long enough for a tall rider, and easy to get hold of in canada!

Check my topics to see my freshly built one.

Thanks man, you're a huge help. Even though it's a Canadian company, I might try to order one from Tartybikes (if they ship worldwide) since they have them onsale. I've done the math...even if I have to pay $200 (a little over 100 GBP), it'll still be cheaper than getting it from a shop in Canada. Your's is real nice, although I personally prefer the matte blue. Still super sick. Let me know all about how she rides


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Thanks man, you're a huge help. Even though it's a Canadian company, I might try to order one from Tartybikes (if they ship worldwide) since they have them onsale. I've done the math...even if I have to pay $200 (a little over 100 GBP), it'll still be cheaper than getting it from a shop in Canada. Your's is real nice, although I personally prefer the matte blue. Still super sick. Let me know all about how she rides


something like this ^_^


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cheers man,she rides so well,i definetely reccomend getting one.


How is it for bunnyhops? They aren't vital to me as I prefer pedal-ups anyways, but I heard rumors that they're vitrually impossible to bunny hop. Any comments?

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How is it for bunnyhops? They aren't vital to me as I prefer pedal-ups anyways, but I heard rumors that they're vitrually impossible to bunny hop. Any comments?

i dont think its too bad to be honest,it is fairly long but if you set up the stem and bars you can compensate for it.i can bunnyhop 2ft like,but i have really flat bars so i could possibly get some more height with risers .i find pedal ups very easy on this bike (Y) but that could just be me .


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