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Trials Forum Ideas (possible Sticky Topic?)


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hey was juct reading through forum and thought maybe we could have a sticky topic especially for ideas for the site.

i was also thinking that we have by our avitars. location, videos, bike type ect. can we have like a time riding information aswel not to the nearest month that would be silly maybe like "under a year" , "1year" , "2years" and ect ect

having ideas and airing(SP) wouldnt be such a bad thing would it???

let the slating begin


Edited by python_man
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maybe making new members read the guidelines then make them take a test before they they can post,so theres no more buy amd selling topics.this was brought up ages ago by another forum member,not me like but i like the idea.


thats a well sweet idea

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Maby a better warrning system as it obviouse some of the mods take sides of there friends ect...

Can tell you now..thats utter bollox.

The mods do a good job, and do it in the fairest way possible. If someone is acting like a C*unt regardless of who it is, they will be punished. Simple as that.

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this was brought up ages ago by another forum member,not me like but i like the idea.


thats a well sweet idea

Yeeeeah boyz! But then you actually realise that it's not such a great idea because it puts new members off joining in the first place if they have to sit an exam.

I'd quite like if the links (Trials-Forum > Chit-Chat > Thread) weren't just at the top of a thread but also at the bottom, so once you've read through the posts and your at the bottom of the page you don't have to scroll back to the top of the page to go back to the main forum.

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Maaybe upgrade the Feedback sytstem abit sao you can give the seller/buyer a mark out of 10 on reliability and stuff ?

I've been thinking about this.

Marks out of 5 or 10 for:

Accuracy of Item Description.

Punctuality of Sending.

Overall goodness.

Then we can have a percentage of goodness rather than a score.

But keep the comments as well.

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I'd like to see a `New Post` button on the main page which would take you to a list of the new posts that have been made since you where away. A lot of other forums I use have it and it's usually the first thing I check when I come on a forum.

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I'd quite like if the links (Trials-Forum > Chit-Chat > Thread) weren't just at the top of a thread but also at the bottom, so once you've read through the posts and your at the bottom of the page you don't have to scroll back to the top of the page to go back to the main forum.

There is. Little drop down menu at the bottom right. ;)

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I'd like to see a `New Post` button on the main page which would take you to a list of the new posts that have been made since you where away. A lot of other forums I use have it and it's usually the first thing I check when I come on a forum.

Yer that's usually good but to be honest i think it wouldn't really work for me on this forum. Because theres so many posts all the time, half of which i don't care to read.

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You can see the day's "Active Topics", although I guess that's not really a list of the newest posts. I know there's a way of seeing them, unless that got phased out in the latest board update.

If you think mods have missed something, report it.

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I thought about this not too long ago, but don't have the time or money to do it. What about a trials specific auction system? So like eBay, but dedicated to cycle trials only products?

Saves people going through loads of useless eBay items and could run off advertising (as trials-forum does now), rather than charging members to use it. There was a news article not long ago, about how people are quite annoyed at rising listing prices on eBay.

Lets say it had a fair few features aswell, to make it more interesting and easy to use. A professional skin, secure payment and member / admin area, feedback system, avatar, and an admin section, then maybe have some mods on similar to on here, to help manage it and keep it free of problems.

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Can tell you now..thats utter bollox.

The mods do a good job, and do it in the fairest way possible. If someone is acting like a C*unt regardless of who it is, they will be punished. Simple as that.

Your own point of view buddy :) im not saying they do a bad job im just saying there not perfect...... with warning and wats you warn at atm ?> just out of curiosity.

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Yeeeeah boyz! But then you actually realise that it's not such a great idea because it puts new members off joining in the first place if they have to sit an exam.

I'd quite like if the links (Trials-Forum > Chit-Chat > Thread) weren't just at the top of a thread but also at the bottom, so once you've read through the posts and your at the bottom of the page you don't have to scroll back to the top of the page to go back to the main forum.

Or what about changing the end user agreement so it has stuff like "do not sell in nmc", "use correct spelling and punctuation" etc and then a few tick boxes at the end, like:

Are you allowed to sell in NMC?

Yes o No o

What should you do before making a topic?

Do a search o Nothing o

And the last tick box will be something like:

I agree to the end user agreement and will abide by the rules set by www.trials-forum.co.uk

Dunno, just a thought. :turned:

Edited by Joe Sheehan!
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Or what about changing the end user agreement so it has stuff like "do not sell in nmc", "use correct spelling and punctuation" etc and then a few tick boxes at the end, like:

Are you allowed to sell in NMC?

Yes o No o

What should you do before making a topic?

Do a search o Nothing o

And the last tick box will be something like:

I agree to the end user agreement and will abide by the rules set by www.trials-forum.co.uk

Dunno, just a thought. :turned:

sweet idea:)

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Or what about changing the end user agreement so it has stuff like "do not sell in nmc", "use correct spelling and punctuation" etc and then a few tick boxes at the end, like:

Are you allowed to sell in NMC?

Yes o No o

What should you do before making a topic?

Do a search o Nothing o

And the last tick box will be something like:

I agree to the end user agreement and will abide by the rules set by www.trials-forum.co.uk

Dunno, just a thought. :turned:

Do that!

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