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New 3 Speed Mod Bikes


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  Joe Aston said:
Plus those hubs are pants they skip like hell even when just riding about. Why would ot pi need one i cant imagine he would change gears through the comp stages.


Hes not wrong! Stermy archers for the loose!!!! They still come on pashely's, like the postal style bikes etc!

I like my teeth how they are at the moment, so i wont be trying one of them hubs on mine!

But the idea is good i rekon, i find traveling to places a right bast*rd on my mod! However i put up with it and get used to it.


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Ebay is blocked in college. But oh my god! WTF! The weight! Those hubs weigh like half a kilo!

I had an old 3 speed one from an old road nike once because I wanted to put it on a BMX. It weighed more than me so I didn't bother.

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The problem with all the geared hubs is that the pickup on the hub takes quite a bit longer than the number of clicks on the freewheel would suggest thanks to the internal gears and clutches having quite a bit of backlash. If a hub was set up with the trials gear being the 1:1 ratio and locking out the planetary gear system in the hub it might be feasible (On Sturmey archers 2nd gear is a 1:1 ratio, but there's still crap loads of backlash in it). Can't imagine many people want the extra weight though...

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