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Echo Control Vs. Adamant A1


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Hey all you trials nuts,

First of all, I'd like to mention that I'm totally new to Trials-Forum, so if I do something I'm not supposed to or piss some people off with questions, let me know.

The thing I'd like to ask is which frame would you choose: The Echo Control or the Adamant A1 and why? I do about 95% urban riding if that makes a difference in your choice. Any and all help will be much appreciated.


*EDIT: Well thanks for all the input guys, but I actually decided to get a Meta VTT. I didn't think the geo would work for me, but I hopped on a demo VTT and loved it instantly. I'll be posting pictures as soon as I can

Edited by Ezg_Cannuck
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Ive ridden both these frames, and i have to say they are both lush.

Firstly the echo was so comfortable, i felt like i could tap for england and sidehop ok too.

This has a low bb hight compared to most frames nowerdays (makes it very hoppable)

Then the Adamant. This frame/Bike was amazing it just went for miles longer than any other stock (gaps, taps, sidehops ect..).

The adament has a relatively low bb hight if thats what you like.

In my opinion the Adamant takes it, just because it rode nice and it has more pimp factor.

Thanks :)

Edited by smiles-trials
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I cant really give a fair opinion as i have only ridden the a1, but the are super lush! With the right set up they are by far the nicest stock i have ever ridden! Feel nice length to me, but thats most likely because im a mod rider :P But if i were to go stock, thats deffinately what i would go for!


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i would get the control. i rode one for a year, was lush, but i just got bored of it eventually and fancied a change, but liked it so much i still have it. they also take an insane beating.

although im sure the a1's are similar, they are too big for me to be honest and weigh more than the control

Edited by Ash-Kennard
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  Peperami said:
Id go for the adamant if it was me... are these both new frames? And whats made you pick those two in particular?

Yes, I'd go for the 07 model of either frame, new. And I chose those bikes because the geo of the 07's seem good for me. I'm about 6'1'' and almost 200 lbs, so I need a long frame. Right now I have a frame with a 1050mm wheelbase and a 0 BB rise. Not so great for me, but it was all I could afford. If you know of any other comprable models, I'm open for suggestions. Thanks a bunch for the help


Thanks everyone for all your input. I'm also open for other suggestions of frames with comparable geometry.


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  Boss said:
Adamnt *** i ride a long and it just owns!! Really smooth riding and has improved me no end!! :D

What type of riding do you do primarily? Urban or natural. Also, how tall are you? I'd just like to have more of an idea of how I will fit with this bike

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