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What Can I Keep In My Aquarium / Vivarium?


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possibly the nastiest spider in the world. the bloke i get my food from breeds them and christ these things make your skin crawl! they grow to around 11" the same as the goliath bird eater. thier venom is anesthetic(sp?) based so when they bite you cannot feel it. They are very comon in Iraq and similar countries. I have been told of reports of soilders who have gone to sleep at night with them in thier sleeping bags and woken up with chunks of them missing how true this is i am not sure but it would figure! they almost look unreal or mutant/alien like! what i find unbeliveable is that people keep these as a pet! Imagine that getting out in your house! thier are many you tube videos of soilders who keep them as fighting pets, i can assure you that they will kick anything elses arse!


graphic spider bite!

bloody scary eh?

Edited by Radfax
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Ah cheers everyone - It would seem I'm fairly limited then unless I want something disgusting that eats something equally disgusting.

I have a fair bit of practice by the way, I've kept Iguana's, Pythons and a couple of tropical fish tanks - was just looking for something small, low maintenance and something that doesn't like insects :sick:

Almost out of ideas now :(

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get a terrapin, they can eat almost anything from actual terrapin food in tubs to mice and prawns. they are easy to look after and don't grow to big i think 10" max for a male. the only thing you have to do is clean there tank regularly cos they are messy and it will stink if you leave it.

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your mate got ripped.

I had my leopard gecko for 10 years before it died and even then it was a few years short (they should live to about 15-17 years)

you can teach a gecko to live on fruit but it'll still need some crickets for protien

Yeah i had a lepoard gecko too, was about 14 when it died. I would say corn snake too, ive had both and they are both easy to keep, tame and good to look at but i prefer the snake as it used to climb quite a lot which is interesting to watch haha. But yeah as i said gecko or corn snake, depends what you want to feed it. If you need any more info on corn snakes PM me as i have loads of info but cant be arsed to type :)

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My gecko died the other day, was 3 :S never seemed to grow, was shit tempered and then eventually just wouldnt eat. The one i had before that died at about 9, loved being handled and couldnt stop it eating haha

Bring on the bearded dragon :P

Edited by Alan
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i used yto have some tropical fish, i had like 4 tanks at one point, 3 red bellied pirhanas in one tank, somne african cichlids in another, some coldwaters in a smaller tank then tonnes of tropicals in my 4 foot tank.

really are cool to watch, im going to get another juwel tank soon and get some plec's and guppys etc hehe bit of a mix but oh well.

was thinking abouyt getting a small milk snake a few months back but there not the most playful creatures.

thinkign back ive had a bloody varied selection of animals in my younger years

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My gecko died the other day, was 3 :S never seemed to grow, was shit tempered and then eventually just wouldnt eat. The one i had before that died at about 9, loved being handled and couldnt stop it eating haha

Bring on the bearded dragon :P

i am getting sopme from ramsgate £35 each if you want to get some with me?

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not as such mate! it would be possible to keep one in the size of tank which you have but they are as ugly as feck!

You know alot then.. they require around 120-130 litres of water and a 3ft wide tank atleast for one..

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this sort of question is brought up time and time again and i suppose there is not a correct answer!

But yes your right they do need a lot more than what could have been provided for them, i read the first post a bit to fast and have only just read back through it!

Although i do think that it would be possible to keep them in some thing smaller, i dont know how big 110litres is but i could see ti to be possible to keep mpore than one in say a 3ftx1ftx1ft tank, and have seen more than 1 in a tank of that size! although personaly i find it unfair to keep pets in tanks which are to small for them some breeds such as my Condas become stressed and agressive if they are kept in a enclosure which is to big for them and i suppose the same could happen with other animals!

Im not trying to cause a rawl or anything as i have said up thurrr some whurrr that yo are right! BUT i think it would be possible to keep more than 1 in a enclosure that size. out of intrest where do you learn this? have you just got it from reaserch or from exsperiance (purley out of intrest!)

And do you still have that viz headset? i need one for my new python real bad, possibly we could meet up and ride some time?

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I have fish myself.. ive been on the old fish forums and stuff.. and i was going to get an axolotl until i realised that they need so much room. I believe if you dont give them what they need then why get the animal? And yeah.. i have the headset.. pink 07 £15.

Lil Ablitt has your T-Bag hasent he? :P He hasent shut up about it at school today. Bless him :wub:

Edited by Sam Fenchurch
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fair enough man! Have a look on www.reptileforums.co.uk and look in the anphibius section, there will be plenty of info on them and if you like i could ask for you to get some answers from exsperianced keepers as to how much room they require if you like? they are pretty funky animals and there are tons of local places where you can get them aswell!

you can pick up a tank of that size for around £20 if you look about!

Get one mate, they arent a every day pet! But i agree with you, if you cant give the animal what they need dont get one, many people buy pets on a impulse buy, for example perple buy reticulated pythons not realising that they will one day end up 20+ft long or buy them as a fashion accesory :angry:

yeh he does! Building it up for him tonight or tommorow i think! gotta love the lad! he is one of the few local lads which i dont want to run over...... and then reverse over again!

Edited by Radfax
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i am getting sopme from ramsgate £35 each if you want to get some with me?

Not yet matey, going to get a proper vivarium setup first, before i start looking for the animal itself.

andddd... Grices mums mate breeds them, so i may be able to get one free/very cheap hopefully :) heh heh

Anyone want to buy vivarium 12X12X12inch? LIKE THIS....

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i once read a article on some one who used to keep fire ants of some discrition, used to keep thim in a bit fiberglass thing. bet he used to find them everywhere! They come under inverts and there are some odd people who keep some odd things, like praying mantis, cockroaches and weird bug ant like things!

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possibly the nastiest spider in the world. the bloke i get my food from breeds them and christ these things make your skin crawl! they grow to around 11" the same as the goliath bird eater. thier venom is anesthetic(sp?) based so when they bite you cannot feel it. They are very comon in Iraq and similar countries. I have been told of reports of soilders who have gone to sleep at night with them in thier sleeping bags and woken up with chunks of them missing how true this is i am not sure but it would figure! they almost look unreal or mutant/alien like! what i find unbeliveable is that people keep these as a pet! Imagine that getting out in your house! thier are many you tube videos of soilders who keep them as fighting pets, i can assure you that they will kick anything elses arse!

graphic spider bite!

bloody scary eh?

It's not actually a spider.

They grow to around 6" MAX.

They have no venom.

If one of these bastards bites you, you will definitely f**king know about it.

Alot of soldier stories about these things are complete and utter bullshit.

Scorpions generally win against them, check it on youtube, they can't deal with the sting.

Lastly I'm pretty sure I've seen that picture ascociated with an Australian "common brown spider" or something to that effect years ago.

As for me, I REALLY want to get praying mantids and some exoctic tropical fish. But it's all a no go until I leave Uni and get a permanent residence :(

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really shaun? odd, I couldnt see the stories being true, but to be honest the two swinging off of that bag look bigger than 6" haha

i was only relaying what i have read on the net which i assumed to be true! i read that they were a spider which injected a anesthetic venom and al the rest what you pointed out!

ill try and find where i read it just to prove i am not making this up!

. Camel spiders can move at speeds over 30 MPH, screaming while they run.

2. Camel spiders can be as large as a frisbee.

3. Camel spiders venom is an anesthetic that numbs their prey.

4. Camel spiders can jump three feet high.

5. Camel spiders get there name because they eat the stomachs of camels.

6. Send us your myths for inclusion here...

read up on this and Its quite intrested to see some of the facts!

They also say they they jump onto camels stomacks and get into thier inards here they lay thier legs and eat thier way out.... not how true that is... probaly not whatso ever!

tons of stuff on the net about it if you really care, pretty intresting though.

thanks for bringing it up shaun, i wont have my skin crawl in my sleep no more haha

Edited by Radfax
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really shaun? odd, I couldnt see the stories being true, but to be honest the two swinging off of that bag look bigger than 6" haha

i was only relaying what i have read on the net which i assumed to be true! i read that they were a spider which injected a anesthetic venom and al the rest what you pointed out!

ill try and find where i read it just to prove i am not making this up!

Yeah the picture is well known for over-exaggerating their size, it's just an optical illusion, if you look at it properly you might begin to see they aren't as massive as they first seem.

And that will be your problem there. :P

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really shaun? odd, I couldnt see the stories being true, but to be honest the two swinging off of that bag look bigger than 6" haha

i was only relaying what i have read on the net which i assumed to be true! i read that they were a spider which injected a anesthetic venom and al the rest what you pointed out!

ill try and find where i read it just to prove i am not making this up!

read up on this and Its quite intrested to see some of the facts!

They also say they they jump onto camels stomacks and get into thier inards here they lay thier legs and eat thier way out.... not how true that is... probaly not whatso ever!

tons of stuff on the net about it if you really care, pretty intresting though.

thanks for bringing it up shaun, i wont have my skin crawl in my sleep no more haha

all myths according to wiki:-

Solifugae are the subject of many myths and exaggerations about their size, speed, behavior, appetite, and lethality. They are not especially large, the biggest having a legspan of perhaps 12 centimetres (5 in). They are fast on land compared to other invertebrates, the fastest can run perhaps 16 kilometres per hour (10 mph), nearly half as fast as the fastest human sprinter. Members of this order of Arachnida apparently have no venom, with the possible exception of one species in India (see below) and do not spin webs.

In the Middle East, it is widely rumored among American and coalition military forces stationed there that Solifugae will feed on living human flesh. The story goes that the creature will inject some anaesthetizing venom into the exposed skin of its sleeping victim, then feed voraciously, leaving the victim to awaken with a gaping wound. Solifugae, however, do not produce such an anaesthetic, and they do not attack prey larger than themselves unless threatened. Other stories include tales of them leaping into the air, disemboweling camels, screaming, and running alongside moving humvees; all of these tales are dubious. Due to their bizarre appearance many people are startled or even afraid of them. The greatest threat they pose to humans, however, is their bite in self-defense when one tries to handle them. There is no chance of death directly caused by the bite, but, due to the strong muscles of their chelicerae, they can produce a proportionately large, ragged wound that is prone to infection.

as for venom it seems one species of the 12 camels spiders has got venom but has no way of injecting it into its pray and the venom is a paralytic rather than an anesthetic.

really they aren't that bad in comparison with some spiders

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How long has it been like that for? 2-3 days? if it's been just days then you'll have over fed him and his bouyancy bladder will not be working correctly give him a few days of no food and he'll be fine.

I've had my goldfish (which I won at a fair) for over 10 years now lol

Those goldfish are 'ard! They live up to everything and they are hugeee now.

Same your crazy hamsteres wernt the same.

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