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Guitar Noob..


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Haha, basically I've just got a guitar(electric).. I know all the strings and stuff and in the proccess of learning chords.. Anyway, I've got guitar pro, but I'm running out of songs to attempt to play..

Any suggestions?

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(i'm assuming you know nothing about this so sorry if it's patronising)

you'll probably want to start with some theory, work on the notes up the fretboard, it's boring but useful.

i didn't learn this until later on and it would have been so much easier to do as a beginner, there's probably an abundance of stuff on google for this.

then you will probably want to learn how to read tablature (tabs), it's pretty easy but some people struggle, i personally use www.ultimate-guitar.com, who also have ok forums as i recently discovered.

you'll then want/need to know about chords, so read up on chords, and don't be thrown off by how complex some of them may seem, it's easy when you know how.

so find a basic website explaining the basic chords A E and D are good ones to start with, C G F and B are a bit more complicated, although you'll probably have them down in a week if you practice. then you'll move on to barre chords, but it's best to learn normal (open ones) first.

don't be too eager to play a song otherwise you'll cut corners and miss out on important things, although you'll find that with a few basics done, you'll be able to do loads.

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Cheers for that.. Just found a website now on chords. We are doing them at school aswell so that helps i suppose. With the fretboard, i sort of know my way around, still getting used to it though, maybe I'll get it perfect/

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Ignore the theory bit. Who wants to learn why a chord does what it does when they just want play it.


Wild Thing

most of greendays stuff is fairly simple.

Just enjoy guitar for the first few months. Then start looking at theory, and more advanced stuff.

That's how I did it, and I turned out alright (Y)

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