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Dont Use Tar.

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I just read a post about a lad that used tar on his rims and his pads kept sticking.

If anybody out there does use tar on there rims then dont.

Use Dr pepper instead. Its easier to get hold of, works just as well if not better, doesnt leave a mess and is really easy to apply. Just pour a drop into the lid then run a little round your rim with your finger, leave for a minute to dry and then hop away.!

Just thought id share that tiny little bit of trials gen to you all. joe b

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Or just put some sugar in a mug of boiling water, same principle, £1 cheaper

It's no better than tar though, still sticks if you use to much, but doesn't last as long... Just be thrifty with tar, it's less messy :)

Edited by Jolfa
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  joe berresford said:
I just read a post about a lad that used tar on his rims and his pads kept sticking.

If anybody out there does use tar on there rims then dont.

Use Dr pepper instead. Its easier to get hold of, works just as well if not better, doesnt leave a mess and is really easy to apply. Just pour a drop into the lid then run a little round your rim with your finger, leave for a minute to dry and then hop away.!

Just thought id share that tiny little bit of trials gen to you all. joe b


No offence, but if you use tar sparsely and "responsibly" you will be fine. Its been used for years and proven to work. I myself use it all the time. But i guess its nice that you care about your fellow riders (Y), keep trying!


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What hes done is either put too much on or applied it wrong or both.

When puttinng tar on i spin my wheel and press the tar gently against the wheel for about 5 seconds, do it to both sides and then go ride drag my back brake for a while and then ride.

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A grind is easier to carry round with you, but i got fed up of constantly grinding and adjusting my slves to compensate for wear, so I got a disc.

I never, ever touch my disc, it never get's contaminated because I never put soap or oil near my bike!

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Nice grind does the trick perfect...little bit of tar now and then when grind wears down and you cant be botherd to re-grind it for a few weeks.

minnt :-)

Fizzy drinks have never rly worked too well for me...dont last as long or feel as nice as tar for a little bite. Each to their own i suppose.


Too much soft tar...sticky stick stick

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Right...use tar sparingly and it works brilliantly ( especially with hard compound koolstop pads ). A grind is better though with proper grind specific pads.....dont bother using some sugar containing liquid...it makes your brakes loud and grabby, but offers hardly any hold..so in essence when you have no tar, a smooth rim and bollox brake..maybe consider coke or other drink..but only as a last resort

As to the statement that tar makes your brakes stiock on...only if you're a fool and put far , far too much on...i used tar for around 9 months and it was fine...a bit shoddy in the wet ( no power at all ) but apart from that fine for a beginner.

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  TheScientist said:
You could always try setting your brake up properly ;)

yes everyone knows tar is s**t so if you use is you only use a very small amount

and yes try and set your brake up propley and you will never have to use tar again


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  dec said:
and yes try and set your brake up propley and you will never have to use tar again

If you have Magura blacks (or other shitty pads), you will have to use tar again, and again, and again regardless of how well its set up.

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