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My Adamant A3

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Check this out! My new Adamant A3. Here the spec:

Adamant A3 short

Echo lite fork

V!Z Max bar and V!Z stem

V!Z wheelsets

Maxxis Creepy Crawlers

HS-33's with steel braided lines and Rock Green pads

Echo cranks

Tensile freewheel

VP pedals

Here she is.

Another pic. This is why Dave needs another Adamant.





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try and be a bit more constructive dude. its really annoying when youve put so much money into something then some nob turns round and goes. thats a piece of crap. ....

anyway. looks like it will ride nice. a3 for the win. lol. interesting colour scheme. if you like it then whatever. (Y) its how they ride... not how they look.


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try and be a bit more constructive dude. its really annoying when youve put so much money into something then some nob turns round and goes. thats a piece of crap. ....

anyway. looks like it will ride nice. a3 for the win. lol. interesting colour scheme. if you like it then whatever. (Y) its how they ride... not how they look.


Didn't mean to be a Tit but people post pics up expecting comments, if he didn't want Negative comments then shouldn't have posted ? Notice the "imo" aswell, just my opinion and that is constructive, i told him what i dislike about it, i like the frame, just not the bike, and for the record, if expressing my opinions makes me a nob then i won't post yeh ? (Y)

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Didn't mean to be a Tit but people post pics up expecting comments, if he didn't want Negative comments then shouldn't have posted ? Notice the "imo" aswell, just my opinion and that is constructive, i told him what i dislike about it, i like the frame, just not the bike, and for the record, if expressing my opinions makes me a nob then i won't post yeh ? (Y)

express your opinion by all means. but you dont have to be so harsh about it. :D

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Looks shit imo.Far too much blue and the red and gold absolutely ruins the colour scheme, the V!z stuff wil die aswell, especially the wheels if you're at a high level of riding.

I actualy like it, proberly the only a3 ive ever liked :S

Thanks for your opinion. I don't take it in the wrong way anyway. I don't really like the gold part either, but it's what I had laying around.

Thanks a bunch, BenLeacock!

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Could of been my favourite A3! But the clamps just look err.... spray them black and I shall love it!

and have black rim tape (Y)

Could of been my favourite A3! But the clamps just look err.... spray them black and I shall love it!

and have black rim tape (Y)

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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr i so have to go back to the adamant......finally a pic of your bike jordan........looks pretty swish does that....rides beautiful i bet.......yeah only thing id say really is be verry verry carefull of the viz stems........they tend to crack and snap real easily........

Some one sell me a bloddy a3 Pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Dave x

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Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr i so have to go back to the adamant......finally a pic of your bike jordan........looks pretty swish does that....rides beautiful i bet.......yeah only thing id say really is be verry verry carefull of the viz stems........they tend to crack and snap real easily........

Some one sell me a bloddy a3 Pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Dave x

I knew you'd like it! Rides like a dream so far. Thanks a bunch, Dave! I wish I knew somebody that would sell you an A3, but sadly I don't.

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