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I wouldn't say I get depressed if I can't ride for a while but I seem to tolerate other BS better if I can ride. If I don't ride for a while my tolerance for BS is much lower.

You will see many articles and studies out there showing that exercise increases endorphin levels which makes you happier. So there is a scientific explanation for why you are happier when you get to ride. :D

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i agree with benjaminge

but me and ma mates get depressed when our bikes our broken aswell as when it is raining.

I think it all depends on the reason for whichyou can't ride,

if your bike is broken- then you'll most likely be depressed!

but if you're injured- you may hate your bike and therefore not be depressed!

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hummm some people seem too fixed with thier bike :blink: I have now read of peole getting depressed due to not riding and prople splitting up with thier partners over riding... WTF!

My bikes well erm frameless at the moment, but i dont get sepressed over it :P i just do some thing else!

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