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Kris Holm Rims.

Danny Kearns

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Should be Danny, the ERD shouldn't be much different, and spokes don't have to be "exact"

If the spokes are the right legnth already, so that the top of the spoke is in line with the bottom of the slot in the nipple head, then it will be fine. You can always cheat if the ERD is a little smaller by putting a washer under the head of each nipple.

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Are they coming in 32hole this year?

i thought they only did 36h, they arnt a trials rim there for the one wheeled type arnt they so im guessing unless they have started to use 32h hubs now that they will still only be in 36h

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Unicycle rims don't come in 32h... ever.

The 07 KH rims are OK... just Try-All rims with eyelets. Quite a few smashed in uni trials already...

I recommend you get the Try-All REINFORCED STREET rim... basically take a normal try-all rim... and make the following changes: Eyeletted, undrilled. Yep, and it's still 48mm wide and arguably the best rim out. Alternatively, just imagine the 05/06 Kris Holm rim but wider..

Good stuff.

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People who don't know... shouldn't talk out of their asses so freely. Keep it to yourself.

Try-All rims have been improved subtly in recent years... (yep, the alloy was upgraded from 6061 to 7005 at some point). The Reinforced street rims are 7005 as well therefore.

Uniycyclists don't grind rims, because we don't need brakes... we have fixed wheels so our feet are our brakes essentially. The only times you see a brake (HS33 mainly) on a unicycle is for long-distance or mountain riders because sometimes steep hilly/muddy/rocky descents and super high speed are too much for just your legs and feet to control the wheel's braking... so a magura helps there. Trials, you don't need brakes at all whatsoever, on a unicycle.

the Kris Holm rims are also 7005 alu, so grinds should be fine on them too.

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would having a brake help though? kris holm used his loads in evolve...?

Not at all for trials. Kris only had a brake on his uni in evolve because that was his big mountain uni (24" or 26", i can't remember). It was a multi-purpose uni for him, not ideal for trials, but worked OKish... Evolve doesn't really justify unicycle ability much. But yes, he had the HS33 on because he does mountain riding on that same uni as well. He never actually uses the brake for trials itself. It's ALLLL in the feet control.

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Didn't realise there was so much call for them... will get some in :) Black or Orange, 36h only by the way...

Good man (Y)

I'm definatly getting one for my Zoo!, I've just got to get a 36h hub now :P

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