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What Grinds Your Gears?

Dan Clark

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People that ask you where you lost something-If it's lost, you don't know where it is :S


Spots :sick:

People that Don't say thank you when you let them past etc

Public transport

Partronising people

been spoken to like shit

Peopl that fart and think it's really funny

People deliberatly spelling things so the words are longer than they need to be, and people that spell words with numbers:




Kate Nash

Repetative songs-Rhianna- Don't stop the music for example, it was on 5 different channels this morning

People that think there "G"

Channel U

People that reply to a text with "ok" what a fukking waste!!!!!!!1

People that say "***" deliberatly even though the filters been changed

People that text into the television and a have a chat on channels like Fizz, Channel U etc when it costs like £1.50 a text !!!

Blacklisted traders/ People that thinkits ok to Rip people off


People that think Drugs are "cool"

Royal Mail

All i can think of now, will edit if i think of more

Writing this has frustrated me :S

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People that ask you where you lost something-If it's lost, you don't know where it is :S


Spots :sick:

People that Don't say thank you when you let them past etc

Public transport

Partronising people

been spoken to like shit

Peopl that fart and think it's really funny

People deliberatly spelling things so the words are longer than they need to be, and people that spell words with numbers:




Kate Nash

Repetative songs-Rhianna- Don't stop the music for example, it was on 5 different channels this morning

People that think there "G"

Channel U

People that reply to a text with "ok" what a fukking waste!!!!!!!1

People that say "***" deliberatly even though the filters been changed

People that text into the television and a have a chat on channels like Fizz, Channel U etc when it costs like £1.50 a text !!!

Blacklisted traders/ People that thinkits ok to Rip people off


People that think Drugs are "cool"

Royal Mail

All i can think of now, will edit if i think of more

Writing this has frustrated me :S

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The main thing that pisses me off on here is those people (you know who you are) who have never even met me and try saying im lying about something thats happend or something i own.

And another thing that really pisses me off is going for a piss in the pub and coming back to find some fortyfive year old piss head trying to chat my bird up, then when you walk over and they realise your her boyfriend they start acting all nice and try shaking your hand and shit like like that. WANKERS!!!!!!!!.

I feel a lot better now thats off my chest lol.

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The main thing that pisses me off on here is those people (you know who you are) who have never even met me and try saying im lying about something thats happend or something i own.

And another thing that really pisses me off is going for a piss in the pub and coming back to find some fortyfive year old piss head trying to chat my bird up, then when you walk over and they realise your her boyfriend they start acting all nice and try shaking your hand and shit like like that. WANKERS!!!!!!!!.

I feel a lot better now thats off my chest lol.

That well never happened.

As for stuff I hate, it basically boils down to people of my age. I hate most of 'em, it must be some kind of personality flaw on my part.

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Drivers that don't say thanks, and drivers that use the phone. One day i'll get arrested for doing something daft. I get the worst road rage when i come across these lol.

Ohhhh yes

People who look and think "oh, its only a moped" and just pull out. people who drive reeeally slow, then dont let you pass them. Good job i have a helmet on and it muffles my voice, I go f**king spare at most car drivers :@

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the retard at the coop checkout breaking my visa card. it's badly cracked right across the magnetic strip. they don't do chip either as they're GAY.

he is well funny when he's in a mood, but he still broke my card by smashing it through the reader instead of the normal swipe..

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I hate people who drive with their fog lights on when it blatantly isn't foggy. I've noticed before people actually turn them off when they see a police car, so they're quite aware they shouldn't be doing it. They must think it looks good or something, in my moments of road rage at this atrocity, I turn my full beam on, and leave it on. Twats.

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