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Inspired Fourplay Update


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Decided to change a couple of bits on the bike; Changed the Hope rotor (which was cracked in about 8 places...) to a nice Gusset R-Series and have changed the old skool pashley seat for a nice Federal Slim Pivotal seat with Slammed post (silly light for a BMX setup). So here we go:




I like it. A lot. :D

Edit: pictures look much better if you click through to the full size images.

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how does that rear tyre hold up?

I've been really pleased with it. Haven't ridden much in the wet but it's held for everything I've thrown it at and rolls nice and fast. Have had a few pinch's but that partly my fault for running skinny tubes.

For you weight dudes, Knight Bike Co. do ti Pivotal bolts...

Seat already comes with a hollow bolt, can't be bothered changing bolts on bikes- I just turn on my anti-gravity... :D

What bars are they?

Bars are Easton EA30 Hi Rise bars. Cut down by about 1" to make x-up's a little less awkward for my old wrists and shoulders!


Ah, go on go on go on go on go on... You'll like it! :D

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Could even drill out the post a bit more too at a guess, make that even lighter... Trim the bolt down a little too maybe. Who knows.

Yeah, will probably cut the post down slightly (really, who needs a 70mm long seat post?!) and cut the bolt down a touch to minimise it completely. Just trimming down the excess fat you understand, I'm far from a weight weenie, just like things to be as they should be :D

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Was thinking of maybe making the setup cleaner by using the 'wedge mod' on the post but I think it would be too much hassle and the gains (if any) wouldn't be worth bothering with so will just minimise what I've got.

And OBM, yes the tube is ovalised but I don't think I'll go as far as drilling it... unless I can find the perfect size cutter in the wind tunnel of course in which case it would be rude not to ;)

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What do you think to the seat setup now then Dave? Any problems with hitting your feet etc? I'm thinking of getting one on my Pure, but I'm abit worried about hitting my legs on it.

Really like it. To be honest, I think the Federal is even more out of the way than the Pashley one was. It's certainly lower and with rounder corners. Possibly narrower too. I've yet to catch my troos on the seat like I did a few times on the Pashley. Ao yeah, go for it! (Y)

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