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Newie Newie Noob


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Hi All

My name is Dave and I am very new to trials riding.. will to be fair any kind of biking.

I have found your website very helpful the tutorials and videos on the main site are great although I just dont seem to be able to get the knack of any of it.

Now maybe im just lame, or maybe I cant do this stuff on my bike.. (a Giant terrago) but i suspect that I just dont quite get it and need to see it in real life,

So my question is... Are there any of you guys from herts that meet reguarly?



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not from round there, but my only advise is to just keep practising, trust me mate, you'll get the knack of it soon, what have you been trying to do? if you just keep trying the same move over and over again i was riding for almost a month before i could back hop, and almost 2 before i could skip, now i don't have to think about it it just comes naturally, so the more you practise, the easier it'll be, i find it helps if your more chilled out aswell, whenever i start getting pissy my riding just goes down the drain, when things start getting stressy, take a little break and try something else.

hope this helps (Y) good luck mate

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and try to find a more trialsy bike, 2nd hand maybe cos if you're just starting out you probably won't want to be paying from brand new gear cos it costs a fortune. there's people selling stuff on here and also on ebay etc all the time. a lighter bike with a trials geometry will make learning a lot easier for you. worked for me. that and what the 1st guy said, practise makes perfect and try stay chilled

// adam

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Keep going at Trials and you will get it in no time! I keep trying to do new things but my heart is telling me not to sell my bike :(.

I’m going to try my hardest to stay on Trials and I hope I do!

You will love it when you can do Trials it’s so fun!

Craig. :).

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Hi and welcome. You are most certainly right about the frame holding you back, that thing is massive. If you've got any of the versions over 14" (seat tube measurement) then you'll find the large frame restricts your movement a fair amount. I think a really good idea might be to keep and eye out in the FS/WTD sections for a cheap second hand frame, something like a base for a seated frame or one of the slightly older deng (makes echo, adamant, GU etc) frames if you can live without one. You can always fit your wheels and bars etc to the new frame and you'll progress very fast with a better suited geometry.

And as with everything else, trials is just about practise, so keep riding and you'll soon get better and once your into pedal hopping everything else follws a lot more rapidly.

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Hi again

Thanks for the advice, Seems I have bought the bike, got this one with hope of doing downhill stuff, which is awesome but, kinda wanna do more and trials really caughtmy eye, its unlikely that i will be able to get another bike or frame, if i dont should i just give up untill i can get a frame with a more suited geometery or should i keep on trying with this one?

And if i do get a new frame, could i still use it for downhill/single track stuff?

The frame is a Giant's Small which i believe is a 17"? by the way

Many thanks for all your advice


Edited by Day2k
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