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Swapping Crank Arms Over


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I mucked up the pedal threads on my forged's within weeks!

If you can't afford the Metas, Get the T-pro (tapered) cranks - even though they're tapered, there awsome! And come with a free bash.

Check the wiki for advice with cogs.

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Its bloody near impossible Chris!

The last two i took off (ACS's because i had snapped pawls) i had to take off with a grinder because they are like erm stuck on so solid!

I only ever got one off and that was on an old megamo crank when they used to be popular years ago! And i completely wrecked the thread on both crank and freewheel!

What freewheel are you using again? tensile?

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humm well, i used to put my crank into a vice and wack the pokey out bits on the freehweel which you would put the freewheel removal tool on untill it came loose, it absoloutley lkilled them bits and took a while to come off but it didnt effect the freehweel, i used to try it with a whip and pole but only evern ended up in a heap on the floor!

No you can get them off and you dont need to buy a new one. If you need a hand id be more than happy to help you out although the whip way is right i just found it to be a complete cock up!

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if you use the chain whip method, your better off using the longes pole you can otherwise you'll be putting all your weight onto it, and when it does come loose (or skips) you'll end on the floor like radfax said, if you get enough leverage, you should be able to just pull it.

a good tip is to try keep the pressure on it and build it up rather than like a sharp jolt (i.e hitting it with a hammer thats the last option)

good luck! let us know how it goes.

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Hang on, are you running a freewheel or a sprocket? Because you have said you run both.

To get a freewheel off, get the proper tool, bolt it into the crank and lamp the tool up in a vice.

Then, put a piece of old innertube over the crank arm to stop it getting scratched, spil a long pole over the crank arm and undo it, I think it comes off anti clockwise. Think of it as, it tightens when you drive the pedals forward, so you need to turn it the other way.

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What do you guys do to your Echo cranks to mess up the pedal threads?! The only way to do that is to continue riding with loose pedals surely? Which means it's nothing to do with the cranks... I've been running Echo forged cranks on my 24 for about 4 months now without any problems whatsoever.

Anyway, good luck getting the sprocket off... those things can be really difficult to remove although with enough leverage and possibly the correct application of heat it can be done without too much hassle.

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