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Seat Question...


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I've just built up an 04 short Echo Pure and i'm after a seat, seatpost and seat clamp for it. I really can't be arsed looking for myself I've had a quick gander but I really don't know what i'm looking for. I don't really want to spend more than £30 on the lot so the cheaper the better. So if any of you kind fellows would find it in your heart to help me out it would be very much apreciated. I'm after something low, light and cheap.

Please don't bother telling me to use the search function thats sooo 2006

Thanks lads.

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Did the frame have the mini seat on when you got it? If so is there any chance of getting it back, need it for my zero I'm building back up.

Can't help much on the seat front other than when I had it I could run a post from an Intense Uzzi but unsure of diameter. Also I got one of these recently and is an awsome deal, brilliant seat and post. Deffinately worth at least a look.

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It's theoretically sitting in my friend's house at the mo', so no pics, but it looks exactly the same as this. Used it for hardly any time at all, then got given a different seat to run.


800 of your English pennies (that's including postage) sound alright?

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